Monday, April 13, 2009


The classes in college are very interesting and the newspapers are having a gala time mocking and relentlessly pursuing the most idiotic of declarations and statements from our great politicians. The biggest farce being rice at Rs 2 a kg. Somehow this time there have not been atrocious demands like colour tv's and motorcycles. We the voters are finding lots of reasons to not vote for the candidate from our consttituency. As politicians sling mud at each other, they dont realize that they also get their hands dirty( its not like its the first time...but then if there is a time you don't want to disgrace yourself its the elections.) Kudos to the Lead India campaign by TOI. But it's not going to make a lot of difference as we get to vote or not vote for the same set of people years on end. If we are to make a difference,we need more peoplestanding for elections. Lets not have to choose the best from the worst. I had read that some IIT alumni came together and formed a political party. wonder what happened to that.