Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Random Ramblings

I am facing an acute inability to string 2 sentences together. Its probably caused by overexposure to sitcoms and an acutely boring lifestyle. I don't know how much longer I can keep kidding myself that watching "House" is actually informative and that I'm actually learning about medicine. What I am learning from that particular TV series is how to be sarcastic. Whoever wrote the dialogues for "House" is a genius! Brilliantly scripted dialogues. Each sentence oozing with high quality sarcasm. The doctor stereotypes are also brilliantly depicted.

So why am I raving about some TV show? Having written nothing in over 3 months, I just thought I will type everything that comes to my mind. Writing, like music requires constant practice, without which, the fingers just don't feel at ease at the keyboard. It probably has nothing to do with the new keyboard that I got, but I am still disappointed that my first post in this new keyboard/computer is such a lousy one.

I am a great believer in the Placebo effect. You get better at something if you convince yourself that you will get better at that by doing something completely irrelevant. Well, if I do actually know that it is the Placebo effect, will it still be successful? I dunno. I'm just typing everything that comes into my mind.

I had been on a pretty long tour recently. A fortnight spent in 2 cities that are at the 2 ends of Maharashtra. Nagpur and Pune. Both cities offered their share of fun, but I would have to say Pune was the better part of the tour. The trip to Lonavala was a visual treat. Not to mention that shady Wax museum that had statues of all prominent Mallus, and a horrible statue of Angelina Jolie, which made her Tomb Raider avatar look like a sick albino woman with a bad case of hairfall. Sins like that cannot be forgiven.

Ever since I have started blogging, I have followed a habit of thinking of titles for all my posts only after I have written them. That is I dont start with the title of the post and then write the content, I write whatever I feel like and then put up a title that somehow relates to the post.

And now I have to write the "President's Note" for the OSA newsletter. There's only one bummer though.The damn thing already has a title. I dont know how to write a PResident's not while completely ignoring the fact that it is actually a President's Note.

Anyway, this little exercise might prove to be helpful after all. If I can manage to fill in half a page of completely unrelated comments without thinking then I suppose I can deal with a formal note of a somewhat lesser size if I do put in some effort.

If someone actually came upto this line then like this article. No wait! This is not facebook. Just leave an empty comment.

Im off now to try and write a President's note. Wish me luck.