Friday, December 2, 2011

BASE SUCKS! I keep finding new reasons to say that!

There is a new post going around facebook. One that says "I'm from the 1990s, the last sane generation blah blah blah, played on the road, could live without my mobile and computer..." and a lot of other such stuff.

True, I am proud to have known the awesome fun in playing on piles of sand, chucking stones at dogs and running away, climbing trees and going back home with bloody knees and wide grins. Something that today's cuckolded generation might not do. We have all grown up listening to amazing stories of our grandparents doing apparently superhuman feats and listen with awe as they described the distances they used to walk to school and other places. How many nights have ended with these stories!

When I look back on my first 10 years of existence, I have my fair share of stories of those times to pass on. And most of these stories start off with me going out to play at 8 in the morning during summer holidays and coming home tired and hungry in the evening. Even during school, playtime was attended with utmost regularity.

I fear that this will not be the case in the near future.

I heard recently that BASE, (yes our very own BASE) is now conducting classes for 5th and 6th standard kids! AIEEE and IIT coaching makes sense, FIIT a little less sense but palatable. But conducting tuition classes for 4th standard kids amounts to child torture.

The timings are weekdays, at 5 in the evening.

Is this some kind of practical joke? How can parents subject their kids to such environments when they have to play and learn from experiences outside. They will all face a time when they have to study and academics gains prominence, but 5th standard is not that time!

What next? I wouldn't be surprised to see billboards saying "Start your child's education with BASE", Preschool for toddlers! (with a grinning pic of HSN).

Why is there such a big fuss being made about education? Being street smart is what they learn on the street, not as a chapter in personality development in engineering.

Give kids back their freedom.

It will certainly be a sorry day when there are kids who look down upon the idea of evening playtime (spent OUTSIDE the house).

Let us hope that we never see such a day.

Tuition classes for 5th std kids?!! WTF.

Someone go knock some sense into HSN
