Friday, April 27, 2012

"Bug" off!

Some pointers for a bug-free summer.

 I am sure that I am not the only one who is bugged by mosquitoes, flies, ants, big ants, big flying ants and all their relatives. Yesterday there was a sudden outbreak of flying giant ants at I had to spend a dark night unable to switch on the light/tv/computer to avoid being swamped by these things. Jobless as I was, I tried a few things to get rid of them. Here's a list in case you are looking for some solutions to related problems.

 1) Air Freshner spray does not work. I emptied half a bottle of air freshner on the bugs and it had no effect. I ended up with my hair smelling like sandal wood and spent the night having nightmares about my hair falling out in clumps, albeit with the sweet aroma of sandalwood.

 2) Ditto with deodorant.

 3) The mosquito bat was extremely effective in making them flightless. A precautionary towel tied around your face and a round neck tee that sticks to your neck is recommended. After they are on the ground, you can finish them off with the good ol' one-two with your standard issue bombay parke (broomstick).

4) Suck them right out of the air with a vacuum cleaner! Do you want to use that age-old, good for nothing vacuum cleaner that you got as a gift like a billion years ago? Now is the time. Its not quite as exciting as say, catching a fly between chopsticks, but feel the chi flowing around you as you suck those bloody bugs right out of the air using your ninja like reflexes.

 ** If you did come upto tip 4 then you can be sure that someone else, father/brother etc will want to help(Obviously! Who doesn't want to be a ninja!). But then again, you are not happy with the quality of chi around them. you might want to modify plan 4 a little.

5) Combine 3 and 4 and you have one of the best bug battle strategies ever! Give the annoying father/brother/mother/grandfather the awesome job of vacuum cleaning the bugs fallen on the floor and you take up the "boring" job of swatting them out of the air with your electric bat. It helps if you have seen star wars recently. Not quite different from a Jedi swatting battle droids with a lightsaber.

There you go. You now have a flying-bug free living room. Now lather-rinse-repeat at all the tubelights in your house.
