Sunday, February 22, 2009

Comedy for Comedy's sake

There has been a great rise in the number of comedy shows on television. the jokes the participants make there are quite good, though what are not good are the jokes made in films. Half a century ago, directors and script writers had the necessity for a comic character in the film, a few decades later, the same people thought," well, why not have the hero himself cracking some jokes". This idea is now part of a formula for a film which also includes two item numbers, a hero-villain fight sequence in the close vicinity of liquor bottles, the supposedly all important very predictable climax and so on. Here the heroes crack jokes which are written by God knows whom and the film is termed a comedy. what these people dont understand is that is that comedy for comedy's sake often turns vulgar. Vulgarity and comedy are very different. comedy can be satirical but definitely not vulgar. Lets hope that we dont have films which are formula based. its time we had people giving more thought about our regional films.

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