Sunday, November 6, 2011


I like listening to music. All kinds of music. (For all practical purposes all kinds of progressive/trash/death and other forms of metal cannot be termed "music"). My playlist contains everything from the purest classical music to metal (as long as I can understand the lyrics). Name any genre in between and I probably listen to it.

I pride myself in the fact that I am tolerant to all forms if music and often find myself lecturing others to be receptive to all forms of music. I finally found (much to my dismay) the kind of music that irritates me.

I am a music purist. Experimentation on songs is not something I enjoy listening to. If a song is sung in a particular way, I expect to hear that song in that way itself. Pardon me for not using the proper technical terms but I guess you can understand what I mean. For example, consider the song "Dum maro dum". The old song was a cult classic and still is one of the revolutions in music. The new song just sucks.

We can find loads of examples of this kind of change in tune in the kannada bhavagites.

The late C.Ashwath is someone every kannadiga knows. His style of singing is inimitable. Perhaps you might have also faced the same sense of irritation when you hear someone trying to copy his style of singing.

Now what made me blog about this?

There was this program on TV in which a woman sang one of my all time favourite songs.. "KolikeRanga". The lyrics is by T.P. Kailasam.

"Murdered the song" is a very mild way to describe what she did to this song.

I felt I really had to blog about this.

I did not feel comfortable until I had heard the whole song in its proper state once again.

Now I can sleep peacefully.


P.S. Not writing or speaking english for a long time does screw up your language and vocabulary big time. I should blog more often.

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