Friday, November 27, 2009

Ground nuts and the Middle Finger Salute.


Ground nuts and The middle finger salute..
Why am i going delirious? because I have an exam tomorrow and Im happily blogging..
The ground nut carnival just got over. It did have the feel of a proper carnival and the many quintals of ground nuts bought and sold gave joy to many a dentist, as people like me just realized that they have some tooth cavities that require some urgent attention as the ground nut that gets stuck in them is really hard to remove with your tongue and hardcore ground nut fans will agree with me that the desire to pop just one more of those small nuts in your mouth is very very powerful.

That's all about the groundnuts excluding all the dirt, dust, smoke, cheap buyables, pickpockets, smoke, smell, mini versions of giant wheel and columbus, etc, etc, etc..

The highlight of this year's ground nut festival was the 3 hour stand to see the God in the temple at sajjan rao circle. All the wait and the prayers for the wait to get over quickly went in vain as i could only get one glimpse of the God as we were whisked away by fanatic devotees who took all the waiting in the queue as a mortal insult and took out all their anger when they reached the final stretch of the queue by trying to bulldoze past as many people as possible. Half of them were proably unwilling companions of the devotees so their anger is quite understandable. My 76 year old grandma completely exceeded all my expectations and now has a lot of respect from me as she managed to stand for 3 hours without one grumble or ever feeling the desire to go sit down.. Kudos to you.

Coming to the middle finger salute.. It is for all the members of the MNS and the Shiv Sena who think they are bigger and better than Sachin Tendulkar. Or for the complete molestation of democracy and the blatant misuse of the Fourth Estate by such political parties. Who does not agree with me when I say that newspapers like "Saamna" are complete bullshit? every Indian feels so including many Maharashtrians But we do need one symbol to rally under and what better than the middle finger. The purest most blaring form of protest that anybody can come up with. A middle finger shown to you conveys more meaning and irritates someone more than any amount of words said against him.

Can see echoes of the Sri Ram Sena's much hyped and utterly idiotic activities. Do these people really think they can misuse the name of God to such an extent that they can commit heinous crimes in the name of God? A long thick hairy middle finger salute to all the people who have some soft corner for these crazed half-wits.

Finally a BWAHAHAHA to the Sri Lankan Cricket Team. Mr. Sangakkara, talking is only a part of the job done. Try to play some passable cricket in future.

A BIG MIDDLE FINGER TO BASE... ( completely unnecessary.. but could not resist the temptation :P )

P.S. The concept of Middle Finger salute was borrowed from Brunzo's blog . Sorry dude.


  1. I definitely agree with you, these ppl deserve 2 be banged and thrown out of the country, deprived of their citizenship or sumthin... the Shiv sena and the MNS are two of the worst things that could have happened to India and its fight for secularity. these are the ppl who sow hatred among the ignorant. In other words, Well done Shreyas..

  2. hahahaha pluto... as if u didnt have enough nicknames.. lol
