Monday, March 1, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I recently read an article in the TOI regarding the very easily available sexually explicit material for youngsters and the "pornification of society" (I'm not making this up, those were the very words used). Reading about how pre-teens are using, rather, abusing the internet made me wonder about my school days and my life as a pre-teen. Forget the internet, I never had time enough to play outside.

My early life was a truly spectacular one considering the positive impact it has had on me as a person. Those were days when a simple one rupee lollipop could keep me engrossed and smiling the whole day. Growing up was even more fun with so many interesting things to build and destroy using toy bricks. I was made to eat healthy home-food on days when I was hell bent on eating outside thus making a rare visit to a hotel a truly satisfying experience. A 5 rupee MTR softee would make a day and time spent playing in the park, an amazing time. A few years down the road, cricket entered my life and representing my club was a matter of great pride. A half century lifted one to the status of a demi-God and a century took one all the way up Mount Olympus, onto the lap of Zeus Himself.

School was an entirely different story, but almost same in essence. There were friendships, fights, competitions, speeches, and first time experiences with crushes, that was the limit of sexuality.

The other day I was talking to a teacher of mine who taught us in school. She now teaches in Brigade School, clearly the school for the creamy layer. I was shocked to find that their lunchboxes contained spaghetti(still don't know what that is, but definite that it can never beat good old masala dosa) and pizza and their summer vacations were trips to Europe and other such countries. Their pocket money was in thousands and none of their mobile phones a cent below 20k. I seriously believe that we have to pity such children.
What excitement will they have in their lives? We all have certain goals in our life and all the goals aim at bettering our positions in life, monetarily, aesthetically and philosophically. When you already have the best of everything, what further improvement can happen in your life. The journey of life ought to start with nothing and end with everything. It is the journey that counts and perhaps not the end result. It is the journey that is exhilarating. It is the journey that moulds your character. But what journey can you make if you already have the end result? that too without even realizing its worth?

Most of today's problems with the youth taking up vices like smoking and drugs is an offshoot of the lack of a firm grounding and moral values that ought to be taught at home. If I am given a 100 rupee note, when all I needed was a hug of comfort from my parents, I would also end up like that. The misguided sense of love by many parents in willingly encouraging their children in their misbehaviors is truly tearing the delicate social fabric apart. A sense of superiority which is instilled in the minds of young children from a young age will definitely see them becoming arrogant later in life.
Extra money in hands of young children will obviously result in them misusing it, especially with the internet at everybody's fingertips. What is the need for a child of 10 to sit at home and surf the internet when he can be playing outside. Why should a child of 10 worry about looks and comfort when he/she ought to be rolling about in the mud having the time of their lives getting dirty. When will they ever know of the fun in falling and getting hurt and wearing the scar proudly for a long time? When can completing a scenario in Warcraft ever substitute jumping on muddy puddles after rain and later getting yelled at by parents? When can they truly experience the fun there is to be had in drinking tap water if they have been drinking mineral water all their lives?

Pray for the days of old to come back. Pray for days when children do not need PSP s to take the place of good old Cadbury Eclairs. Pray for the days of Simple Pleasures


  1. spot hit the nail right on its head!
    i still remember being awfully guilty when i bought a poppins roll(rs.2), with the change tht my mom had given me to go buy a Sabeena packet! I was 5 then..
    How would a parent with Armani suits and Gucci shoes make their children cherish the value of each rupee they get?

  2. Yeah, I too read that article.
    My childhood days were really an awesome memory.

    Now about the post. I don't agree that parents are entirely the fault for the child's misguided life.
    When a person faces some difficulty in his childhood from parents, he doesn't want to repeat those which his parents have done to him for his kids. So naturally if that person didn't get pocket money in his days, he gives it to his kids. The amount he gives as pocket money depends on him and that is where you have to decide whether its the parents' fault or not.
    Any Parent for that matter tries his best to provide his kids what his parents did not give him.

  3. @Deepak... It is ok if the parent has Armani and Gucci. But they should not make the child denounce anyone wearing anything other than Gucci and Armani.

    @Satyam... Exactly, parents give their children a taste of big money and then they will obviously expect more from them. And it is not as though everyone who gets excess pocket money becomes a brat. They should first be taught to handle money before it is entrusted to them.

    I was made to stand out in the rain one whole day when I lost a 100 rupee note one day. Till then it was just another piece of paper. After that day, if not completely understanding the value of those 100 rupees, I understood that it is not good losing the money.

  4. @Deepak: Exactly...i remember...I used to get 5 rupees a month pocket money...and I had lost my gel pen(it was a big thing those days!) and i secretly saved up some 25 rupees(5 month savings!) and bought a new one...I couldn't confront my parents when they asked me where i got a new pen from!

  5. And when in 5th, A friend of mine had a Dragonball Z pencil box...and i asked my dad if i could get one..he said let's see...

    soon i forgot about it...and on my birthday, i wake up and find a box in my wardrobe!
    I think the best gifts in life are the ones given from the need not necessarily be an iPhone or a can be as simple as a chocolate..

  6. Sathyam is partially right...many/most of our parents weren't born rich...they probably didn't have as much facilities we have now..and since we are their kids, maybe they want us to enjoy life more than they did

    (for any elders reading this, please pardon me, i am still a 17 year old kid, i do not know how you felt when you were young :P)

  7. Till class 11/12, the concept of owning a cell phone was totally crazy...Even in 10th, even the most tech-savvy, the most rich guy in class didn't have a cell phone..

    okay, chuck the simple pleasures...maybe kids today do not need to play everyday....maybe they're happier with an XBOX...

    Our idea of fun was playing out everyday, going to a friend's place everyday, playing, watching TV(@shreyas: remember we used to do that often :P)

    maybe these kids have a different idea of fun and friends...maybe a friend means a facebook profile or some yahoo problem...but in this process it isn't exactly pleasing if the kid ends up a robot who can't live without a computer, a 3G connection, spaghetti for lunch and the like...

  8. For the record, i've got a 10 year old brother...(who, i'm sure will grow up to be a nerd... :P) he goes to play everyday...and he doesn't overuse the computer..he goes to cricket coaching...and i'm pretty sure he doesn't know what sexuality is all about...

    the media does have quite a role in this...maybe this TOI article could be more well suited to people in USA or UK, where things such as teenage pregnancy are highly prevalent...

    the culture is spreading here fast...but it isn't too bad yet..there was also a cover page article on TOI CREST...maybe it was the edition on the last week of Jan..check it out..

  9. And sorry for putting up so many posts...

    because if everything is in one post, people just won't read!

    and 'brevity is the soul of wit'... yes dude i'm trying to keep it short :P

  10. completely agree with satyam....
    My father always speaks about his childhood....during diwali he didnt have money to buy crackers....he and his brothers somehow managed some money and bought that gun paper rolls...hit them with a stone and enjoy.....till today he never feels sad that he was doing such a thing...thats how they grew up....I'm sure many of you parents would have told the same......such simple things are deep rooted in them and i think because of the way they've grown up...they've become successful and also very humble.....

  11. @Deepak... i used to do the same...

    5 years back....those were the days of pokemon...who had those cards more and all...some gold cards and all...i dont remember them properly....and with cheetos you used to get some pokemon stuff free.... when i started to collect them...initially i had around 10 cheetos packs a mother was extremely worried about it as i had many excess pounds(which i continue to have) she said every sunday you get one pack....i used to wait so eagerly...very anxious about which pokemon was in the pack....I can never ever forget these things...wonderful days...

  12. I feel parents should never guarantee everything to the makes the child corrupt....the child will never ever understand the pains the parents are taking to get something for the makes them arrogant...lazy..careless... Parents should bring up their children in an appropriate ensure they become good people of tommorow...

  13. Before I tell anything else, I wish to tell something.
    In the middle-class society there are mainly
    five classes of people. There might be other
    categories but five are prominent.
    1. People who are able to lead a luxurious
    life but do not.
    2. People who are able to lead a luxurious
    life and do so.
    3. People who are not able to lead a
    luxurious life but do not care.
    4. People who are not able to lead a a
    luxurious life but try to lead one.
    5. People who are not able to lead a
    luxurious life but but try to because they
    are jealous.
    In the old times, groups 1,2&3 were common. But at present its different. We know that the west has had a great influence in the eastern countries.
    Years back, a child's status among his friends depended on few issues.(like whether the parent had a car or not, which school he went to, etc...) But now, these are not the factors. They are different. For example -
    What dress he wears, What PEN he brings, Which cycle he owns(for college students,which vehicle he owns), What helmet he wears(!), etc etc.
    What I'm trying to say here is that even minor aspects are gaining importance. Now, how is that? The person who has all of them does not feel superior, but the others around him feel inferior in the course of time. So they ask or demand their parents for those. Again not all agree with it. Some parents provide and some do not(I'm going to talk about this in my next comment). After some of them get those, the person who had these luxurious items will start feeling that he's losing his ground. So he demands more and that goes on as a cumulative effect. That is how our way of enjoyment is lost.
    It started years back and has gradually come up and it surely will continue. The thing that was a simple pleasure for us is not a pleasure at all for a majority of the new
    generation. As Swaroop said, what they enjoy now is a SIMPLE pleasure for them.
    Maybe in the future they may realize that they are not leading a simple life and gradually everything comes down. We just have to be patient.

  14. I said that I'll talk about something in this comment. What I'd told was when children start feeling inferior they ask or demand their parents to buy those items.
    I also told that all parents do not agree to it. Some buy and some do not. When they buy it for their kids, the topic's closed. The problem is when they do not.

    When the parents do not agree to buy something which the child asked for, the immediate response would be anger. The next step would be a tantrum. The response from the parent for this would be some kind of punishment in most of the cases. They forget to do one very important thing.
    Saying NO is not important. Explaining the child why he said NO is important. He should carefully tell the child why he is not going to provide him that item/facility. If the kid understands it, then aal izz well. If he does not, then the parent should try to do more. The final action should be punishment.

    Now I sit here and easily tell that the parent should tell 'NO' for some. That's not an easy task. When the child does not get it, he feels ashamed to face his friends. This should be kept in mind of the parent. If he says no, he lets down his child in front of others. If he says yes, he doesn't get the opportunity to tell NO. He has to carefully analyze which is important and which is not. There lies the difficulty.
    Even the child has to bear in mind to ask only those which are really important. Only a two way system works without problems.

  15. omg..i ve gone into a trance after readin all this! swaroop was right, long posts do intoxicate the brain!
    guys, leave parenting worries for later..enjoy the moment.PERIOD.

    thought for the day- Why isnt anyone talkin abt 'pornification of society'?

  16. WOW! Just came back from a trip to Nanjangud. Lots of comments in just one day! Amazing.
    I believe parenting has been discussed in great detail :P so thank you all.

    @Deepak... I'll start... I guess its very natural for a young adult to feel such urges. It is a worrying thought if an adolescent never thinks of such things. I think nowadays, the stuff that was usually hushed up (still is actually) has just got an outlet in sexually explicit material being very very easily available.
    The Internet has more porn sites than any other category.
    I think its more of a case of being Roman when in Rome. One person talks about it and another doesn't want to appear ignorant or foolish, as is often the case when even in a classroom one does not get a "A rated" joke.

    Well people continue...

  17. K...i'll continue.. :P

    Omg! Today's DH front page shows a (supposed to be) "Swami"(i am puposely not adding "-ji"...such losers dont deserve it!!)..cuddling with a woman...nd kissing her passionately!!! :O

    OMG!!..I know such losers need to be exposed to society...but wat will young children feel looking these pictures?!!...

    Shud they start rating the contents in newspaper too?"A" rated content
    "Statuatory notice": The contents in this article might not be suitable for minors!!

    I myself felt so uncomfortable in readin the newspaper today morning when my mom was around!! :O

    I feel newspapers too play a major role in arousing curiosity to young children !!

    And some children might be of d opinion.."Tht Swami did it...why cant i?!!"...
    I am sure they r not matured enough to decide wats right nd wats not!!

  18. It is plainly not right to compare our childhood and that of today's kids...

    our pleasures were different, theirs are different...

    that doesn't mean we should degrade them or something like that...

  19. You have seen how our parents, or our elders dislike the music of this generation...

    we like 'Chod do Anchal' and 'Saiyan dil Mein' the remixed versions...they frown at it and say the originals are the best...

    Its the same case here...its not right to compare..

  20. @Swaroop... No doubts about that. I think the question is about how their current pleasures will affect their future lives.
    We hear our parents talking about children not acting like children nowadays, them losing innocence and stuff. The children getting to know truths is not the problem, but the way they will react to it will be a problem. We are probably in some kind of a transition phase and change is always accompanied by doubt and problems.

  21. but 'pornification'...i don't know whether its the right word to use in this context...but overly sexual stuff entering into kids' brains is certainly worrying...

    but its a phase in the development of the country...

    @Niteesh: You're completely right...print and electronic media certainly needs to be controlled in our country!

  22. And i think we all need to stop giving discourses on parenting!

    we all probably have 10 more years to become parents :P

  23. 10 becoming parents, atleast 20 before we need to worry about "Pornification" :P

  24. @shreyas: yep...change is accompanied by problems....

    but the problems are as we see it...we're from a different generation...perspectives change across generations...and probably there's a different perspective to this...

  25. must be controlled...they must have an ombudsman...or some appropriate measure needs to be taken....


    @swaroop...completly agree with you....

    I think media is a new form of fascism..... many times we believe blindly all that they say...surely there must be some accountability to what they report wrong...
    some papers like Vijaya Ktaka have not put those generalising is wrong.... but there are quite a few channels and papers who report it...

  26. @Prateek : Exactly!...totally agree wid u!!..Media thinks only of TRP's now!!...

    PS: Just watched the movie "Rann" today!! ;) ..Simply amazing!!...The whole movie is about the hype media create!.....Must watch ppl!! :) ....

  27. you must all read an article in by rajdeep sardesai....that man who speaks tall of his neutrality has written a one sided article which would question the credentials of his channel...SHAME!!!

    resuming the topic...all have heard that kids become violent..bla bla playing video games, watching WWF, etc...i think this point must never be doesnt happen with all happens only with a few...

  28. @ Prateek: I and shreyas used to watch WWE almost every week...and i don't think i am violent :P

    and Rajdeep Sardesai is...well...a respected figure in media...along with the likes of Prannoy Roy, Barkha Dutt and probably even Arnab Goswami...

    Personally, I find Barkha totally repulsive...while Prannoy and Rajdeep are smooth...

  29. @Prateek n swaroop: I too watched WWE...though my mom believed tht me n bro wud get violent...Lol..we wud convince her tht....It can be useful sometime in future for Self Defence!;)

    And me nd bro did fight the WWE...with commentary anol ;) :P...but tht was just for FUN! :P ...No injuries! :D

    And same here...I dont think i'm violent! ;)

    Btw..i have an 8 yr old Nephew..who plays COUNTER STRIKE!!..AND GTA IV AND MANY OTHERS WHICH I AM NOT AWARE OF!!!:O :O..I have NEVER played them in my life! :P lol!
    I guess his parents need to worry a bit! ;)

    Coming to Rajdeep...Barkha..Prannoy.. I DONT GIVE A DAMN ! :P..
    srry "No offence meant!"
    I am saying this only coz i havent watched TV since 5 months!!! and i am Disgusted!:( :( :( :(

  30. @swaroop.... just have a look at his article....your opinion will surely change... this guy speaks about freedom of expression and stuff.... and he has moderated all comments people write... there have been just 50 posts after a week... normally it crosses 500 in a week...

  31. I'm usually always suspect of IBN news :P...

    NDTV, as i know it, is good(it means better than the others)...

    And there's this lady Sagarika Ghose in should see her...completely repulsive :P

  32. And Yay...people, celebrate...33% women's reservation bill tabled in RS...

    hope its passed!

    Congress aur Sonia Gandhi ki jai! ;) :P

  33. we've come quite a long way from Deepak's poppins roll to rajdeep sardesai :P

  34. @ swaroop hehe...ya true....
    y credit to sonia???? credit to Devegowda as he was the 1st to introduce the bill..... Please stop tokenism.... evrything good happening does not mean credit to the Gandhi family....

  35. Sonia risked her government's stability to get this bill passed...UPA is now a minority in Rajya has wafer-thin majority in Lok Sabha...Mamata Didi is unhappy...if there is any risk involved, it is for UPA!

    Important bills like the Budget bill has to be passed in this was Sonia Gandhi who took a brave step forward...she could've played safe and brought this up in the Monsoon session...she wanted this to be passed in this goes to people like Sonia, Brinda Karat, Sushma Swaraj, and Jayanthi Natarajan...not only these women, but also people from INC, BJP and Left...who supported this bill...

  36. Apart from one term in office for NDA, all the other stable governments are of Congress...and in all the cases, including P.V Narasimha Rao's government, the people in real power are the Gandhis...

    it, in no way means that the Gandhis are great people or anything...but they have done a lot of good for the politics of this country..

  37. Emergency a good thing???
    Indo-China war....which could have been avoided a good thing????
    Bofors scandal and IPKF fiasco in Lanka a good thing???
    Initiating dynastic politics a good thing???
    unsolved J&K crisis a good thing???
    sikh massacre in 1984 a good thing???

    Hitler's Propaganda minister had said"If you say a lie 100 times it becomes the truth"

    Successive Cong Govts. have named so many projects by their name... so much so that people of coming generation would think they are saints... if they had not been at the helm for such a long period...India would have surpassed China in every field...

    Dont forget that with the support of left and BJP they have 75% majority in Rajya Sabha....
    True test to Sonia's credentials and committment will be in the Lok Sabha.... If she gets the bill passed in a week...then its an achievement....

    Passing the bill is a very small hurdle... there are many many more tougher hurdles to clear.... i think in all probability they will introduce the bill in 2014 just before elections when Cong's nanna munna baccha Rahul will be leading.... try their best to get it failed... do lot of propaganda and win the next elections.... this is their hidded agenda...they are power thirsty...

  38. It is nice to speak about things after they're over...The BJP or any other party does not have anything to base all this on...they haven't had a proper government(except the Vajpayee govt)....

    The people don't have faith in the BJP...okay, it maybe attributed to 'unfair' politics, but you'll know what i mean when I say the RSS controls the one wants a government controlled by people associated with stuff like Bajrang Dal, infamous for non-secular activities...

    Whatever Nitin Gadkari may say, people know the roots of BJP lie in RSS...

    and coming to dynastic politics, there is nothing as 'initiating dynastic politics' happens everywhere, and it is not some fad or fashion to initiate dynastic politics....we have the Kennedys, the Castros, and the Gandhis, yes....we also have the Scindias, Maneka Gandhi and Varun(who, has been rewarded with a plum post for making mischievous remarks!)...Karunanidhi...Devegowda..

    Almost all major parties excluding Left are into dynastic politics...there is no such thing as can't tell that if Indira didn't become PM, Varun Gandhi would not have entered politics because there is no dynastic politics..

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Unsolved J&K crisis...the BJP doesn't even want the governments to talk to Pakistan...let alone discuss Kashmir...

    when the BJP was in power, there were no highly remarkable acievements to their name, though Atalji is a very respected figure...

    We had things like the Kandahar hijack, which was a shame to India...true, we had more attacks when BJP was not in power, but the government's handling of it is much more better...

  41. Things like the Babri Masjid demolition are a dent on India's image....and the BJP supports it...they want a Ram temple there...they fight for that, the rest of the country's feelings are forgotten...

    the 1984 riots, yes I admit it wasn't a very good decision...but then what about the Gujarat riots?...Narendra Modi isn't scot-free...and people projecting him as PM! God Save this Country!
    Church attacks in Karnataka...nothing solved...

    there are bad things...there are good things...both for Congress and BJP...but the fact is clear that it is due to the superior hold of the Gandhis that we have a stable government now, and many times in the past...

    We saw the infighting in the BJP recently...many tarzan remarks, kati patang remarks have come out...who would want a government in the centre fighting among themselves...
