Monday, May 17, 2010


Symbiosis!! I remember atleast one word from bio! I'm proud of myself.

I was cleaning my room today morning. As is the case in every room cleaning attempt, amidst dirt and dust and screaming parents, there is the chance for every teenager to irritate his/her parents by doing exactly what he was told and nothing more. Today was no different. I started with the fan and came down to earth and promptly ended the show with the traditional sweeping and swabbing. I heaved a very audible sigh of relief. Just when I was about to go downstairs and demand my rightfully earned glass of coffee, my father pointed to the windows with the usual, when-will-you-learn face.

Looking out, I saw loads of spiders with their cobwebs almost covering one of the windows. I thought a lot before removing them. Apparently they did not look good and was looking extremely dirty (I had to agree with them, it did look bad). But everything ugly is not useless. Those cobwebs were protecting me from mosquitoes and flies and many other insects. The few times they did try entering my territory, they were swept back and now the spiders had learnt their lesson, they did not invade my territory and were protecting my room from many insects. I on the other hand was delaying the inevitable by allowing them to prosper on my window sill for as long as possible. It was a perfect symbiotic relationship.

Are aesthetics the only things that matter? Do we never consider the use before we brand anything useless?

Man trying to protect the environment is like a little child playing with its building blocks. It keeps making everything fall and fall again before finally coming out with the right design and then abandoning it. WE are now in the blundering stage where we're concerned with ripping things apart and then realizing that what it was is much better than what we will ever be able to create. What happens by itself is much more exciting than anything we can simulate.

Me trying to suggest that we stop our rip-n-study philosophy is foolish because we have advanced quite a bit in that technique. Trying to work out another techniques will take time and energy.

I miss my dear spider friends now. Them and their awesome designer cobwebs. The cobwebs which would shine like silver in the moonlight (or tubelight :P).

I broke out of this reverie when the cobweb cleaning stick was thrown at me. Then without a second look, I cleaned the cobwebs.

God help me this night!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Big Question

Course or College? This is probably what half of the second PU students think about every morning right after getting up. This is probably what the rest of them should also be thinking (other than IIT desirous who are sure of getting in).

Until yesterday I was pretty sure that I will choose Course over College, but now I'm not so sure... I will try listing out pros and cons of choosing either College or Course and then conclude something.

Course over College....

This is for people who are already decided on what course they are going to take. It is not for people like me who just want to get Engineering over with and move on. People who are ready to choose course over college are pretty confident and passionate about their choice. Unfortunately I'm not passionately about any such course, nor do I think I will be too. Course over college is either for people who know they are going to get that particular course (read very high marks) or for people who just want to study a particular course to spite their near and dear ones (read antisocial, stubborn).

College over Course....

This choice is mostly by people who are neither here nor there (read average marks, like myself). This is the ideal choice if you want to boast of the college you are in and shut your trap about the course. This is for people who are not passionate or completely decided about the course they want to take up. This is for people who have had no divine intervention or dreams in the middle of the night (something short of getting up and screaming "Eureka").

After a lot of thinking "'ve decided to choose college over course, for any of the following courses.... E&C, CS or IS

What say??

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Dejected Mind

The dejected mind can work wonders! Proof? My 2 page long poem on a certain second PU student with homicidal tendencies towards his Chemistry paper evaluators. The poem is so beautiful and so explicit that its going to be humiliating for the poem to be put up in a blog :P.

Coming back to the point, some of the greatest works of literature have come out when the guy was visible distressed. For further proofs, look at everybody's facebook updates after the results. Some bollywood songs also have beautiful sad sequences, Tanhaiyee from Dil Chahtha Hai being my favourite. It is common knowledge of belief that a drunken high often brings out the poet in the poor drunk soul, but more often than not the soul yearns for a bigger better "high" and completely forgets to cash in on his brain waves. The same probably cannot be said of the dejected soul who mostly wants to get rid of that sick feeling. Fools write about broken love and other senti stuff like that. Why write stuff that everyone's heard a gazillion times? Choose a guy or a group of guys,(or your girlfriend if you are the heartbroken-love poem writing-kind of guy) and give them a hearty earful. Let me tell you... however unrythmic it is, it will still be fun to hear.

I now understand why poets like uninhabited places. It gets them so dejected not having their fag or their bottle of vodka around that they come up with a masterpiece on some teetotaler bloke who had a lousy life as he never drank. The dejected mind also give artists the inspiration they need. A dejected mind, not having the patience required to mix and remix the required colours to get the perfect combination, often makes the artist throw his colour palate against the canvas in a fit of fury thus giving birth to a supposedly sensational piece of art which witless souls (millionaires with lots of money and no work) pay obscene amounts to buy. Till date I have not understood half the paintings that sell for a million dollars or so. Guess it takes one witless soul to understand another.

So, my dear friends... there's nothing to be lost or nothing to be ashamed of if you go into a depression at any time in your life. What matters is that you makew the best of the depression. If you are already depressed, then write a few poems, curse a few people with the bottom of your heart and you will start feeling better immediately.
