Friday, May 7, 2010

The Dejected Mind

The dejected mind can work wonders! Proof? My 2 page long poem on a certain second PU student with homicidal tendencies towards his Chemistry paper evaluators. The poem is so beautiful and so explicit that its going to be humiliating for the poem to be put up in a blog :P.

Coming back to the point, some of the greatest works of literature have come out when the guy was visible distressed. For further proofs, look at everybody's facebook updates after the results. Some bollywood songs also have beautiful sad sequences, Tanhaiyee from Dil Chahtha Hai being my favourite. It is common knowledge of belief that a drunken high often brings out the poet in the poor drunk soul, but more often than not the soul yearns for a bigger better "high" and completely forgets to cash in on his brain waves. The same probably cannot be said of the dejected soul who mostly wants to get rid of that sick feeling. Fools write about broken love and other senti stuff like that. Why write stuff that everyone's heard a gazillion times? Choose a guy or a group of guys,(or your girlfriend if you are the heartbroken-love poem writing-kind of guy) and give them a hearty earful. Let me tell you... however unrythmic it is, it will still be fun to hear.

I now understand why poets like uninhabited places. It gets them so dejected not having their fag or their bottle of vodka around that they come up with a masterpiece on some teetotaler bloke who had a lousy life as he never drank. The dejected mind also give artists the inspiration they need. A dejected mind, not having the patience required to mix and remix the required colours to get the perfect combination, often makes the artist throw his colour palate against the canvas in a fit of fury thus giving birth to a supposedly sensational piece of art which witless souls (millionaires with lots of money and no work) pay obscene amounts to buy. Till date I have not understood half the paintings that sell for a million dollars or so. Guess it takes one witless soul to understand another.

So, my dear friends... there's nothing to be lost or nothing to be ashamed of if you go into a depression at any time in your life. What matters is that you makew the best of the depression. If you are already depressed, then write a few poems, curse a few people with the bottom of your heart and you will start feeling better immediately.



  1. well!! i am...a FIRST CLASS STUDENT!!!...sounds good??...not in this country..ever..first class is one step below a class call eleven letter word that has half ruined my life...why?..what went wrong??..its just that im not interested or im the world's biggest loser...its a tough decision man!!..we here have a nation full of engineers and nothing else at all...if one sector goes down..hundreds of thousands of people go down financially...and if a sector strikes gold only the company's profits shoot up..but the people will be left as they were before except 4 a few more sodexho passes!!..if doin engineering is a kind of sense of security...then it has no meaning to me...they say life comes in different flavours and this type of life is certainy bland..and u know it.
    all we have is a nation full of a generation of engineers who only care abt themselves and their salaries..and nothing and nothing else!!
    if this doesn't change this country will never stay away from potholes and street dogs and corrupt politicians!!
    i know this is too far fetched but its time we..the present generation gotto sit and think abt this...wat say guys??

  2. True. The 'dejected mind' is very special! When I feel sad and lonely, I think of so many things which I never do when I try to do in a normal state of mind. Maybe its because you will be only with your mind. Nothing else. So whatever comes your mind seeing an incident or an object you'll analyze it because there's nothing else going on around.
    Whatever, a truly remarkable state of mind, that one!

  3. BRAVO!! BRAVO!!! What an amazing elocution! Certainly the product of a dejected mind. Further proof to my hypothesis that the dejected mind acts as a spark to ignite the flame of creativity

  4. Coming to what our sukumar said here, yes, I do agree that India generates a lot of engineers but when you try to analyze a small cause for it, you'll understand better.
    The problem does not lie in us. It exists in the society itself. Infact, its not a problem at all. The first thing which comes to a person's mind is happiness, which you get by your work, pay and your life. In the present environment a person feels more secure by having more money. How? He can buy what he wants and thus he can meet his needs which makes him happy. To earn this 'more money' he needs to get a good job which can be possible if he's an engineer. And thus ppl take that course.

  5. Any person in life wants to come up. He wants to be independent. For that u need work, again.
    So what if you don't do engg, u have lots of other choices! But ppl don't think that way much coz engg has more benefits.... Okay, enough of this thinking then. Let us now try to be realistic and choose engg if we really want. Try to tell lots of ppl abt this. "Yea, it makes sense'' they think. But when they come to the situation to choose their career in life, its back to square one. Its not that they don't want to have a diff career, its just that they'll be taking a risk in their life. If by some means they settle at a good position no one needs to say anything. The problem is in the opp case. Its tough to lead life without basic requirements. Money is one now. Its no surprise.! So, instead of gambling your whole life you can choose something where you can meet your necessities. And so ppl go for it. This issue is been on for years! Has it changed? No. Actually the competion has increased!! Any change to it will be slow.

  6. at satyam:..wat i wrote is abt the present state of mind of the previous gen and the present gen...but we can change the gen next..its a gradual process but it has 2 happen some fine day!..and im sure it will!..tell me one new invention that has taken place in this country that has broght a big huge revelution in this world in this two centuries..nothing i say...we only know how to rub on the creativity of the English and the Americans and of course many many countries except ours...what we do??.only improvise on those new inventions...ill tell u wat...the japanese do it far better than us and so are the chinese..nothing special at all..and thats the reason we gotto choose to b special1!!..right?

  7. I haven't completed yet:) There was a power cut :)

    So, abt what i said above and including what u said. I understand. I told in the prev comment it is a slow process. Changes of that magnitude are very slow! Not even gradual, SLOW!! I know a change has to happen. It will. It always does. Any category for that matter will not be the same. Changes happen and will continue to happen.

    And pls, to all who read this, pls don't talk abt 'Adventurous world' and ask for it. Adventure comes in life. You need to make it adventurous! Thats the adventure. When you go for a trek or sumthin for example, you seek adventure. Its infact in your hands to make it an adventure.

  8. Why was there a sudden spurt in the demand for engineers? Probably because, there was this huge Computer Technology boom some decades is so very true that there have not been much inventions here...but forget that, because most 'inventions', as such are developed in PG and higher levels...

    there was a demand for engineers decades ago, and in a few years, there may be a demand for something else...the RTE bill as passed, so we may ave demand for me and prateek were talking, we may have a demand for teachers...or something else! we may be in need of accountants, or lawyers, or civil servants...

    I may even see my children aspiring to become teachers, and see them complaining about how competition is so high for that!

    decades ago, we all know there was high demand for bank jobs...and not to mention the civil, i guess there's competition everywhere..

  9. And @ sathyam: exactly...we need to make it adventurous...excellent point..

  10. PS: @Shreyas: there seems to be a problem with the date and time in your blog :P

  11. @satyam: well said bro..i can make Hanumagiri trekking as adventurous as The Chomalungma one!!its all in the creative u think..hw well u make it large..and all...but again when u say the adventures come to u..i choose to differ.wen u decide u want to trek..u cant wait till there is some tectonic plate movement and the mountains come to ur area..(sorry!..i have very basic knowledge abt this..but i know wat it is.. :P)..yes im sure Mt.Everest will come to ur doorstep..its slower than a gradual pace...correct..but i feel ul enjoy it better when when u go the mountains urself and start trekking..that of course with a bunch of like minded ppl...correct?? :D

  12. @swaroop yeah! wat u say is valid man!..thats one change i really want to see this country!

  13. @swaroop good observation,,,30 minutes difference..:D

  14. "When you go for a trek or sumthin for example, you seek adventure"
    @styam again..thats wat ppl are doing..but seeking it elswhere..whre a lot of scope is given wen u undertake adventurous trips...and that 'elsewhere' is gettin improved because of our brains..
    they took risks and came up man...!!
    y do u dont want risks?? y do u always run awy 4m problems dude??

  15. Its actually very to say "we need to bring about change" like Obama does (:P). As I told earlier, why do u think ppl hesitate to participate in this change? The answer is just 4 letters. LIFE... Nothing else. They don't want to risk their whole life just to bring abt a change which many ppl also do not help in. If just 1 person does tht. So, my advice is that, change happens. Its bound to also. Do what you must. For the sake of your future. Who told engg is the only thing! When u come to the stage wer u have the power to act, do so accordingly. Simple.

    For the well being of others and the future don't try to sacrifice all you have now. Its a foolish act. These kinds of feelings r common when the change starts. Since many ppl think abt it now u'll observe its happening in a year or so.

    Whether by your will or god's will you won't be in the changed state. So, better live through this.

  16. i totally agree satyam!!..but change will never happen if u always " better live through this" dude..yeah i know im the only idiot who is barking away to glory and thats because i want to see the change through this very platform because its our generation mostly that'll folow..and to knock some sense their heads so that the next generation will change..atleas keep ur fingers crossed man!! :)
    well satyam i didnt ask u to forgo the sacrifice u made in this 2 yrs and stop ur ambitions man..atlest let ur kids do wat they want..dont let them folow trends..let them b "the pioneer souls!!"(remember it?? :PP)

  17. Tht is what i'm stressing on... The change will happen.. If u r asking it happen in a very short period of time, it won't! Each and everyone has this thought! I too have it.. I never said i won't take the risk! But out thr r thousands who r not ready to... I'm speaking abt them.. Just understand, in those thousands 60-65% r from rural areas.... In a diff statistic 60-70% r poor... What will u tell them? Take a risk and throw life away?? Tht is what i'm telling... We urban ppl r ready to do anything... The poor person's family runs with a low income... If the child is in a good job (whch currently is engg), they can support their life better... Tht is the situation in India... Just observe the western countries... They lead colourful jobs... Plenty! No job has max or min preference... Why? Its because thr u won't find basic problems like poverty, illiteracy etc and so whatever job they take, they can support themselves and family with whatever income they get.. Some ppl thr aspire to become farmers!! Its no joke... Its true!

    India is moving forward. It will take time before these basic problems diminish. Only then u can demand for this change. If u do tht time, u'll make history and will be remembered forever for sure. Just see.

  18. i definitely need some brain food!! :D..too much of statistic but a lot of valid points covered..i must admit! :)
    well i dont see any change in the rest of 35-40%population its a hundred precent of effortlessness!!
    ps:im not asking for a short period of asking 4 2 generations of time..and im sure it'll happen..and if i dont live to make pretty sure my kid will!! :D

  19. of course if he/she is interested!! :P

  20. Agree with all of them... The perception deeply engrained in the society is that... if you do not become an engineer or a doctor ur life is ruined... Its absolutely false... we must not fall prey to it...

    I am glad that this issue is being talked about.. much more delighted as it is happening here.. we must have a debate discussing all these issues...

    The other day swaroop and I had a full length conversation about the same issue... glad to know that everyone are thinking the same...

  21. Even glad to know that no one is sulking thr performance was bad in all the entrances...

    Its great to here all of them speak from the bottom of theirheart about all the issues openly..

  22. Coming to the issue... Why only engineering and medical????

    We all know that a very few of them belonging to the generation of our parents managed to do engineering or medical... Though most of them had the potential of becoming successful as engineers and doctors many could not study because of a wide range of problems... streching from poverty to problem of colleges being too far off from home!! As many were deprived of becoming an engineer or a doctor... they would have firmly decided that their children should become an engineer or a doctor..

    The other reason is the boom of ITBT in India that we witnessed in the 90s... this became a catalyst to their perception....

  23. I personally feel that ITBT fields are getting saturated... its high time we all think differently... even though we are compelled to do engineering... the proffessional field that we choose must atleast change...

    We recently saw the Lok Sabha passing a bill called Right to Education bill.... The main clause of this bill is that all children upto an age of 14 must have education...

    We know that in the entire state about 8 lakh people wrote the SSLC examination... So we can assume that about 1 crore people wrote the 10th exam in the entire country... Its known that about 10% of the total number proceed for higher studies(after +2) After this bill comes into effect the no. of people taking the boards would atleast increase by 2.5 times... so does the no. of students who take up higher studies...

    There will be an extremely huge deficit for teachers in the near future(say about 10 years)Therefore we must understand all these facts and choose our area of profession very carefully and intelligently..

  24. I personally feel that a boom that we all witnessed in the ITBT sector would repeat within 10 years in the field of teaching...

    The job of a teacher would turn out to be very lucrative in the near future...

    there will be a paradigm shift in the opinion of all towards the profession of teaching..

  25. I have spoken in detail about the potential in the teaching sector...

    The argument can be applied to various other professions... in the hospitality sector, art, civil services, Law and various other sectors...

    Those who think they've not got marks that they desired and deserved as well... we must not lose hope and courage... these marks do not matter at all... At the end of the day in society the way you mingle with people.. the way you present yourself in the society... all these matter a lot...

  26. totalll and totally agree with prateek!.yes! definitely is very very true!..ive seen a lot of examples in my own circle where the parents tell their kids not to become like them and must and shld do engg or med and should earn well and settle down with that...if the child agrees its worth the investment i say!!..its a good decision...or else it'll NOT take the kid anywhere in life..never once the elders asked wat he's interested in nor the kid did spit out its interest..why?..unnecessary obligations and the worst kind of pressure..yes i tell this because ive seen it...

  27. and coming to the point that teaching's gonna b a lucrative profession..i want to see that change very badly..not that i'm hurrying..its just that im not sure there r a lot of ppl outside who haven't opened up...
    i wish they come out of this fast and WE TOGETHER bring abt a revolutuin in this nation so big a magnitude...the worlds will to gasp!!..its my vision!.call me ambitious i dont mind..but i couldn do wat i wished 2..but i will succeed in the field that i wished and then set an example..

  28. *the whole world will gasp!!..(6th line end)

  29. Hey Shreyas, I intend to temporarily make ur blog a forum for our group discussions cause its like a facebook which is accessed by only those who we want in the little trip we're planning.... since we need evry1 in on the details and the discussions, i thought TEMPORARILY using ur blog could help. My own blog sends updates whenever i update it to a zillion ppl on buzz, so it would be most unwise to use that. Waiting for ur permission... u can always delete these comments l8r.....

  30. Sry 4 moving on without ur permission. You may delete the comments if u do not like ur blog 2 b usd in such a way, but i realised that it could be quite some time b4 u came ol and i wud hav 2 wait. :( . So here goes the results of some independant research of mine.
    I talked to a friend of mine who is an avid trekker and adventure sports freak... he says that groups usually go out in 20-30... so if v talk to the guys who organize such xpeditions (he knows a LOT of them), v cud literally go to any adventure spot we want....
    he says the last he saw, such a trip costed somewhere around 2000 per person which is xtremely reasonable considering that adventure sports and trekking are once in a lifetime activities and cannot be done once u grow older.
    The activities will include - not all but most of - Rock climbing, rappelling, river crossing (can be done with or without a river ;) ), chimney climbing, kayaking, crossing 2 rope bridges, ........ list is endless. Many activities can b done depending upon the place we want to go to, the number of days v stay there, and, of course, the amount of money we r willing to invest.
    Trekking basically involves walking in the wild through small tracks. Contrary to popular belief, all these activities are completely risk-free unless u take it upon urself to do something xtremely stupid.
    Also, trekking is not walking in the sun, mind you, it is in the shade mostly, under the trees, in the greenery. It is so fresh u nevr feel tired though u hav burnt ten times the calories as in a normal day...
    Also, it is a huge change from routine...
    I can still rattle on and on, but first, v need to decide whether we do want to go on a trekking trip, PLEASE READ THE WHOLE of this, think bout the pros and cons.... DECIDE. My friend can guide us with the ph nos and other procedures as soon as he comes bak from his hometown. Dont kno when that will be. Time we have in plenty, it is the will that will decide the outcome of this insanely long out of topic comment.


    Plan declared unsafe. Called off :( No rivers or beaches. Many parents are objecting to this plan. Best to call it off.


    Seems to be the safest and easiest plan available. Easy to plan coz thousands visit every month and so details are available in plenty.... BUT, this is the minus point too.... as so many visit these popular hill stations, they have been made unclean and commercialized to a very high degree... will be expensive.

    HOWEVER, these negatives can be removed IFF we find a hill station which is both nearby and, most importantly, largely unknown to the public. Kodachadri is quite a good place to go, BUT there isn't much to see. It WILL be a 1 or 2 day trip if we choose Kodachadri. Besides, there are places we dont know about that need xploring and research and advice from some who have gone exploring earlier. Comment if u kno.


    already mentioned


    Plan cancelled due to an alarmingly xtreme level of opposition from participants and advisors alike. ;)


    Can go to places like Bandipur, Nagarhole, Western Ghats, etc... need not trek, just go on safaris and all.... we can find good places, i think summer is the best time to go as the animals are more likely to come out in the open.
    Also, we can join census groups (if available). This means that we'll have to take some instruction and go with others, BUT it will take us deep inside the jungle legally and allow us to xplore well. Also a unique xperience.
    OR, we could camp in jungle resorts (have to research and find which ones are cheap and well situated)

    All this is fine, but first, we need to MEET UP after collecting sufficient details as INTERNET AND MOBILE PHONE CHAT DOES NOT WORK. When will that be??


    I am in for the adventure trip!!! :) :D...Sounds awesome!!

    Coming to the Forests....again....few parents might have an objection! ;) ..wat if the animals eat us anol! :D ...i dunno...if its fine wid everyone..v can definitely go to some forest resort! wud be cool! :D ...

    Lastly, we gotta definitely MEET UP and finalize things very very soon!!...and these newspapers gives shocks like....CET results btwn our parents' minds change...v gotta make it rele fast! :P ;)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

