Saturday, October 2, 2010


In life we have to put up with a lot of things. A lot of nonsense, a lot of people, a lot of supposed intellectuals and instances where all you can do is smile and say "you are right" even though your brain is screaming at you to correct a factual error or just a downright idiotic deduction.

With friends, one has the liberty of stopping the other person or interrupting him in any way possible and put in your point of view. People doing that (me, mostly) are often unwelcome guests in a conversation. And some people (me again!) learn to put up with that and smile inwardly looking at people making a fool of themselves.

It is even more irritating during group conversations among relatives, usually during a function. All the supposed intellectuals come out with all their fine oratory skills to impress a point, often a misinterpretation or a devastatingly idiotic deduction, upon the non-attention-seeking crowd. The ones who are not blessed with the same oratory skills butt in the middle to add mirch masala (read more nonsense), with constant nodding of the head.

Please do not mistake me. It is a treat to listen to people who actually know what they are speaking about.

The usual ice breaker when it comes to a group conversation is politics. And after the usual cursing of all the people and policies of the government, the quasi orators take central stage in discussing a recent political event. Some of the wannabe orators usually come up with a good Deve Gowda curse and the others stop their respective conversations to curse in unanimity. The wannabe then stops with a smug smile on his face.

Then begins the fun part... Especially when they discuss modern technology. example iPhone 4. Some of the features attributed to the iPhone make it seem like a supercomputer! Then there is always another group which will be discussing banking and economics. The conversations are usually loaded with big words like economic instability, self correction mode of the market, etc etc which no one understands, but to which everyone nods their heads.

And in every family, there is always someone who is from Amway and keeps trying to get other to join the network marketing chain.

I might be wrong, I might be right. In either case, this was my observation in a recent function.


P.S. Happy Birthday Mahatma Gandhi!
P.P.S Happy birthday to my mobile :)


  1. "the volatility is too high...I wonder why the banks have not increased some XXX rate"...this is one common dialogue heard amongst the elderly in functions...

    another fun thing to hear is the estimates of the cost of the function organised (in terms of ten thousands for small functions, lakhs for weddings, and people even bloat it even higher for gruhapraveshams)...even people who have never constructed a toilet in their life offer expert estimations of costs of big houses...

    most of it is rhetoric, a la obama...and can be a pain in the neck when some meaningful outcome is expected out of the convo(like in a meeting for example).

    political discussions are super fun...people who don't know a penny's worth in politics offer opinions like: 'SM krishna is very weak as a foreign minister, he rarely speaks'. trust me, if we wanted a loud foreign minister, then I'd put mamata banerjee over there...her shout is enough to scare the americans into giving India a UNSC permanent seat...

  2. @swaroop: Lolz!!..Mamata??

    Amwayyy...nostalgic f***ed up memories...

  3. @Swaroop: LOL at building the toilet

    If only all that was required for a UNSC seat was a loudmouth. India would have had veto powers as well.

    @Sukumar: Nostalgic??? I met him yesterday!! at a Vodafone store!!Some things never stop bugging you.

  4. Lol! Co incidentally, i recently happened to stumble upon a post on Khamba's Blog (That guy's a genius. Join the group on fb.) It said - if u're posting happy birthday to gandhi, seek help. :P

    Anyway, the same day, was my mother's Bday too :) So I think I'll remember to wish ur cell bday every year. I'm sure you hope, just as I do, that I dont have to wish it too many times though. :P

  5. @Gadgin (Sorry for not using "Shreyas" to people who cant differentiate between us, it'll look idiotic if I am "@"ing myself) LOL at the last line. I hope my next mobile is coming pretty soon. 1 year is a long time to spend with one.
    Hope my parents don't read this comment though :P

  6. um..u can feel free to use kanchan though..
