Monday, June 1, 2009

long time no see

Back again after quite some time. Its been fairly quiet and the French Open is going on. Its bye bye Nadal for this year, Robin Soderling playing some amazing tennis. I think this we are witnessing the last ever non coalition government. Our country's leaders are not a witless lot with many of them having done their post graduations from universities like Harvard and Stanford, and its really disheartening to see people with metriculation rule us.

I have started reading Salman Rushdie's works and Midnight's Children does deserve its Booker of Bookers. Hope his Enchantress Of Florence can maintain the same standard. T20 World Cup starts in a couple of days, so something to look forward to.

Unfortunately, all the inspirational speeches from our dear teachers regarding studies mysteriously vaporized and things not worth remembering occupy a lot of thinking space. Better buckle up before i become a jack of all trades and master of none. Coming back to the things-not-worth-remembering, well, they are better left unsaid or unthought of.

Well, thats all for now, hasta la vista

P.S. Gautam's about me column in orkut is extremely well written, reminded me to exercise and increase my vocabulary.

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