Thursday, July 30, 2009


I have been sick for the past four days and isolation and being stuck to the bed are some of the best ways to gwet the creative juices flowing. Just to get rid of the boredom I tried my hand at some poetry. Here is one that I was able to complete and came out better than I expected it to.


White skin that glows like the full moon,
Great brown eyes as big as a balloon,
Lips as red as a ruby,
Jet black hair, sleek and shiny.

Her gait, as graceful as a swan's
The very flowers come alive when she walks on the lawn,
Her voice as sweet as maple syrup,
Small birds surround her and greet her with cute chirrups.

A smile capable of melting rock,
A gaze from her seems to stop the clock,
A word from her makes the most eloquent speaker lose his words,
Her skin as smooth as a pebble caught in the fords.

But do you here see the irony?
Unearthly beauty she might be,
But no matching heart has she.
So such a woman hold no charm for me.

- Shreyas S

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

People will phoo on you....

People will phoo on you.. third rate behaviours.... IIT desirous students.... rabied dogs.... loafers.... become humans first... very fine behaviours... bloody hell is this!! Well these are the kind of words you can expect from the mouth of our august (well well august again!) chemistry teacher C.S.Narayana Swamy a.k.a Mario. From wearing body fitting, buttton bursting formal shirts to scolding IIT desirous students there is nobody in the world like him.

His explanation of "Postulations" and expert ommand over his jurisdiction of chemistry i.e. Physical chemistry there is no other teacher in base who attracts more ridicules than him. Such is his prowess in literature that he can express all his loathing for our class in his "Arre, who is that loafer owl" and other extremely entertaining and colourful oaths.

We cannot imagine our lives in jain collage without his odious presence amidst us.
Thank you sir for all the entertainment and

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feelin Good

Feeling good after a long time. No matter what the results of these tests are, i have the satisfaction of having completed a whatever i wanted to do over the past week. Though the results might only be satisfactorily but the feeling of completion is very good. Lets hope that it will pave the way for more such fruitful endeavours.

Really looking forward to start reading P.G. Wodehouse again. The last time i tried i was unable to completely understand the satyr, but this time im sure thaqt im in a better position to understand them.

Everyday I get introduced to many achievers in life. They are the kind of people that are respected for what they have achieved in life with their own efforts. Actually, most of them are just around the corner if one has the patience to look for them.

Have to again mention here that im feeling really good. Much better than i have felt in months. I just hope that i can harness all this feeling good and really do well this year. I seem to have at last found the kind of inspiration i was lacking the previous year and in the beginning of this year.

I just realized that is blog is really losing out on many important things. And i have decided to put things down whether poeple like it or not. Also this blog is becoming only about me and i wish to change that. I will probably introduce more people and other colourul characters around me from next time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Heart Ball, Blue Ball, High Ball

Hello Again.

Yesterday, I visited a teacher of mine to return a few DVD's of her daughter's that was lying in my house. I had actually been there to attend a function and met my seemingly endless stream of relatives and had a hard time trying to remember how each of them is related to another. I was spared all the overenthusiastic interest as a cousin if mine is leaving to Delft University in the Netherlands to complete his M.S. Possibly the first in the family and i wish him all the best.

I am digressing from the main point. While I was returning the book, I was invariably drawn into some pleasant chatter and it turned out to be quite enjoyable. My teacher was telling me about a game that her class was made to play in one of the classes by their counsellor. The game was a fairly interesting one and was very simple.

It involved three balls,
The red or the Heart ball
The blue ball
and another big ball called the High Ball.
The students form a circle and the heart ball and the blue ball are passed from one person to another and the participants have to make sure that both the heart ball and the blue ball don't land on one person at the same time. The participants have to work together to make sure that the game continues. The counsellor keeps throwing in the High ball from time to time.

This may seem like an extremely idiotic game but the reason and the inferences that can be drawn from the game are amazing and really require a lot of thought.

The heart ball signifies the desire in each of us and what we want to do with our life. This is the most important ball and one that has to be in play all the time. It is this ball that decides the positions of other balls and it is this, that is sacrificed most times for the other balls.

The blue ball signifies the second most important things in life. This is not what long to do but rather what we have to do. This sometimes takes precedence over the heart ball but cannot give a lasting happiness.

And finally the High ball which signifies the hobbies and other things that people do on their free time.

The heart ball is passed first which tells us that it is our hearts that we must follow... and then it may be interrupted by the blue ball.. that is our responsibilities... which makes us forget about the heart ball and concentrate only on the blue ball.. finally the heart ball that keeps popping in and distracts us from what we are supposed to be doing.

It is the inevitability of life that we meet all the three balls in our lives but invariably let our lives be ruled by the blue ball and gradually lose sight of the heart ball and forever remain bickering for what has not been got. It is wiser to play the blue ball keeping the heart ball in sight and having the ability to regain the heart ball. The high ball is just passe and can afford to be neglected.

The important thing is to recognize the heart ball, the blue ball and the high ball in life.
Something i found which is very difficult yet very important in life.

This is something everyone should try!!

Wodonga and The Wimbledon

Hello once again

Wodonga and Winbledon... Two places world's apart. One is a small village on the banks of river Murray in Australia while the other, more well known is a village on the outskirts of London city. One is the home of a newly found pen pal while the other is the the high seat of the most successful tennis player of all time

Roger Federer does it again and this time it is going to stay for a very long time i.e. the record for the most number of Grand Slams. It was an amazing match between him and Andy Roddick but the class of Federer eventually came through.

Life is getting a lot better and old contacts are getting renewed. If only it manifests itself in the form of better marks in my test then I can the spend of the rest of the year this way. I am really getting rather irritated by the constant nagging of people telling me that this year is very important. But i forgive them because they have nothing but my well being in their minds.

Really looking forward to getting more admissions andadmonishments from different people, well, from one person in particular. Circumstances force me not to reveal the identity of that person but I would love to do it if there are people around me who can take it in the right sense.

I have recently been observing a lot of things, things obvious and things not quite so, things said and things unsaid, things standing at the tip of the tongue but sucked in at the last moment. Things which could have redefined family ties and spawned hatred and jealousy.
People trying to act important and the intelligent smirk of the people who really call the shots.

Enough about things!! What really ought to interest me are the hoards of textbooks lying unopened at home. A sea of hopes and a mountain of opportunities await!!

Because some men look at things as they are and say "Why?" and I dream and say "Why not?"


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monotony and bus pass

Well, the title sums up everything that has happened over the last month. There were a few sad things and a few good things. One good thing in particular outweighs all other sad events so life is quite bearable. But the yearning for what cannot be got and the fear of losing what has been got is quite unsettling.

Speaking of unsettling, the thing that unsettled me the most last month was the monthly bane- The IIT test. I can hardly be expected to do well with only a few hours of so called preparation before the exams. Classes continue as usual.

There seems to be nothing else in our cocooned worlds except for books and more books, anxiety before the tests and horror after the results, and as usual, the dull throbbing pain of defeat in the tests, new excitement and energy the day after the tests, vows of studying... all of which never fail to dwindle down to nothingness in a few days and the usual monotony rushes in to take its place.

Its really quite funny to picturise your inner feelings and debates as different people, and looking at them from an outsider's perspective.

Coming to the bus pass.. I finally got the bus pass. There's nothing more to it.

As usual, I hope to be in better academic form in the coming days or I'm in for some harsh treatment. Lets just hope that the August prophecy comes true.

Well.. that's all folks.