Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feelin Good

Feeling good after a long time. No matter what the results of these tests are, i have the satisfaction of having completed a whatever i wanted to do over the past week. Though the results might only be satisfactorily but the feeling of completion is very good. Lets hope that it will pave the way for more such fruitful endeavours.

Really looking forward to start reading P.G. Wodehouse again. The last time i tried i was unable to completely understand the satyr, but this time im sure thaqt im in a better position to understand them.

Everyday I get introduced to many achievers in life. They are the kind of people that are respected for what they have achieved in life with their own efforts. Actually, most of them are just around the corner if one has the patience to look for them.

Have to again mention here that im feeling really good. Much better than i have felt in months. I just hope that i can harness all this feeling good and really do well this year. I seem to have at last found the kind of inspiration i was lacking the previous year and in the beginning of this year.

I just realized that is blog is really losing out on many important things. And i have decided to put things down whether poeple like it or not. Also this blog is becoming only about me and i wish to change that. I will probably introduce more people and other colourul characters around me from next time.

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