Friday, December 11, 2009

Chance gone begging...

Yesterday I was taking a casual stroll (sniff, one of my last till may next year.. :( ) and my eyes fell on a couple of girls, one of whom happened to be staring in my direction. As is my way, I politely ignored the stare and was walking when I heard her remark "CGA 180" to her friend... A harmless enough comment for someone who has never heard it before, but me being a good listener had heard in college just the previous day that CGA stands for Cute Guy Alert and the 180 is actually the angle through which the other girl had to turn in order to see him.

So i acted dumb and turned around to look at whomever she was referring to... But there was nobody behind me and then I understood that her comment was for me. Being the charming gentleman that I am, I faced her with a broad smile and said "I'm flattered. Thank you".

Their fair faces went completely beetroot red after I said that and that expression on their faces was something to savour. ( Poor things... I kind of pity them :P )

Anyway I am sure they would have given me their phone numbers if I had asked them but I really did not have enough currency to be able to talk to them. So i just laughed and walked away leaving them to their blushes.
So a chance gone begging..
I'm proud of myself.. :) It's not everyday that someone thinks I am cute. After all its me.



  1. Haha.. CGA mite have been 'C'areful..thrs a 'G'oonda 'A'head.. dont mind the bad joke..

  2. haahha deepak!!....whr do u come up wid such abbreviations?? :p.... Afterall IIT brains! :D
