Sunday, December 20, 2009


For the first time in the history of civilization, man's incapability to attend to nature before himself was exhibited in plain view in the Copenhagen summit of 2009. Delegates and ministers sat through grueling hours of talks and debates which left them mentally and physically drained. But a lot more than their strength is going to be drained, this time in a permanent fashion, thanks to their hardheadedness and their refusal to compromise on any of their selfish demands.

Agreed, the world is facing an economic crisis. many millions are unemployed, many thousands have lost all their assets, but isn't money, like energy, indestructible? It can only be transferred from one account to another. The amount of money in the market today is the same, or rather more than the amount of money that was in the market an year ago. By money in the market i mean the number of people who are willing to invest in the market. Money still exists, but possibly in the wrong hands and being used for the wrong purposes.

If president Obama can give 50 billion dollars worth aid to Pakistan albeit a place from where nothing comes back to him, can he not spare a fraction of that amount for the welfare of humankind? Its not as if the USA is a saint. Statistics show that the average consumption of energy per person is the highest in the USA rather than in any country. So it becomes their primary duty to do something about this issue. The other developed countries are happily blaming the developed countries, but wasn't the bulk of the pollution done during the gunpowder age and the industrial revolution when they were the developing countries?

The absolute bullshit attitude of many Indians trying to think on the lines of the developed world disgusts me. The question i ask you guys is... Do you think the developed world ever thinks on our lines, do they think about our problems, our limitations and our efforts in trying to solve heir problems and cleaning their turd?
And why don't they? because they don't have anything to gain from them.

If a nation is so bothered about this climate issue then i would love to see them invest in the ecological sector.

P.S. I pity the hundreds of delegates who went to copenhagen and could not even get to do some sight seeing and were all the time sitting in comference halls without participating in the discussions.. God sure gave them strong knees.


  1. I completely agree with what u hav said....infact shreyas US has pleged $100 billion to the developing world which would be available very shortly and another $100 billion after a stipulated time period.....but let me tell you that entire amount is barely enough for funeral of all people in the developing world. The point here is not just money.....the developed world has devloped clean technology that can be implemented in our factories.....but they are not ready to transfer it.....once they do that the problem of climate change can be solved slowly but surely

  2. hmmm yeah.. let them share technology atleast if they dont want to give money

  3. Honestly, the people there at Copenhagen would have reached a consensus had they really cared about the environment...and the US pledged $100bn...that, in no way, is enough...agreed...but isn't it a positive step towards fighting global warming? The truth is that India and China do not want to compromise on high growth! They want a healthy 8% growth, even if it is at the cost of a 2 degrees rise in temperature! I'm not saying that that point of view is bad or good, but it is sensible enough...

  4. I totally agree with Swaroop's views, first of all, it is the first time in the history of mankind that such a huge number of countries hav met with a common resolve... v shud give evrybody some more time 2 realise the colossal impact of our actions... everybody doesnt have the kind of education (and i emphasise education, not blind knowledge) that we ppl hav had..
