Monday, June 7, 2010

The power of tears-- part deux

It has been quite some time since I last put up a post. The negativity in the air is reaching very high proportions which has been a contributing factor in lessening my urge to blog... not to mention tired limbs and lots of nosy interferences. The gossip bugs have gotten their ugly heads out (for once its not about me :D) and long buried dissatisfactions are surfacing. All in all, not a very convenient time to get the creative juices flowing.

What did get some of the ice thawing was a function I attended today. It was a relative's 70 year's shanthi (more specifically Bheemarathi shanthi). All I did understand is that I was going to get some good free meals. As with most people I went to claim my meal today and after going through the initial overdoze of monotonous carrer counselling, I found my self seated amongst my cousins. One of my cousins, a young girl of around 8 was crying incessently. What does the father do about it? Takes out his wallet, stylishly fishes out a 100 rupee note and the crying stops instantly.
If just whining will get me a 100 bucks.. that's half my pocket money by the way, I will be happy whining just once a week. Something like a ceremonial weekly whine.

Is it a healthy sign to keep stuffing your young daughter's hand with cash every time she cries? After a few minutes I realized that the crying was for the cash and nothing else. The rest of us looked at each other in wonder. I was utterly disgusted with the upbringing that girl has had. It is definitely not her fault though. She knows that the reflex to the stimulus of crying is cash in her palm.

I have visibly turned a few shades darker on account of playing in the sun. Seeing my name in the newspaper after a long 3 year wait was a good feeling. Hopefully there'll be an increase in the size of the print in which my name appears. (:P) If anybody has the patience check out TOI, june 5th, last page under KSCA leagues, under brief scores, the last match

Tasted red wine today! It somehow tasted like the sweeter ayurvedic "kashayas" that I'm used to drinking.

Cioa... may you not be bored!


  1. I know...half of our pocket money gone there...and we think twice before buying some 10 rupee chaat or something..

  2. dude werent we supposed to taste it together??..remember??..betrayer!

  3. @swaroop: chaat reminds me of something......................................................................................................................................................
