Wednesday, August 11, 2010


And once again I find myself writing about marriages!

I just came back from a certain marriage. It sucked! Sucked because I didnt know anybody there. The only person I knew in the whole hall was my Grandpa along with whom I had gone there.

9 30 AM sharp, we reached there. And at first we thought we were in the wrong place as even my Grandpa couldn't recognize anybody there. Finally we found one old person who was giving us a look as if thinking "that fellow looks familiar". And after talking to him for about 5 minutes and going back 5 generations, both my grandpa and him were convinced that they were related in some way. Thank god for that... I was hungry.

And after having a frugal breakfast of a couple of idlis, we went to sit down... believe it or not.. right in the first row! There was my grandpa happily waving to people who politely waved back... not having a clue who he was. And with every person who had the misfortune to smile and wave back had to endure another 10 minutes of finding out how they were related to us. Even at this time folks, I had no clue whether I was from the bride's side or the groom's side.

All this time I was happy looking at the fun and then came someone who actually knew who my grandpa was. As they exchanged pleasantries, his eyes fell on me and after studying me intensely for a moment, the following conversation took place.. I'll call the other person X and Grandpa G

X: Is this your grandson?

G: Yes.

X: (Looking at my face again) What is his name?

G: Shreyas

X: Ok... (again looking at my face) What is he doing now?

Me: (clearing my throat) I finished my II PU uncle

X considered me talking to him an insult and walked away.

After that particular incident, we had nothing to do and sat in the front row and watched the festivities going on.

I don't understant why all the women who attend a marriage think it is a sin to wear the same saree for more than 2 hours during a wedding. Looking at the number of women who attend a function and considering the number of sarees they have to change, every marriage hall invariably has one room set aside for all of 'em to change their sarees. Such a room is usually guarded by an elderly lady who's job it is to view every member of the opposite sex who is over 5 years old with suspicion and they shout "Ladies are changing here. Go away" at the top of her voice everytime an unsuspecting kid walks by.

Then there are the cool gangs of cousins who take pleasure in defying their parents' every command while with their cool gang. It was fun watching mothers tell their teenage kids to do some work and then watch as the teenagers coolly said "no".
The worst thing you can do when you go to a marriage, especially one of a far away relative.. stay out of sight of the Grandpa gangs. You will invariably be drawn into conversations related to relationships between individuals which refuses to get any lower then 5 generations.

Its worse for someone who has just completed his II PU as almost everyone you talk to will appoint themselves as the Career counsellor you were searching for all this time and talk nonsense about how an MBA is useless and then talk to you of some relative's son/daughter who is doing his/her MBA and is having a horrible time.

Finally! there was food. And the food was pretty good. So I hogged and came home as early as possible.

End of day1... I'm dreading day 2 which is tomorrow.
Hope I fall sick long enough to bunk tomorrow's marriage.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Send d msg again pls..

I am ashamed to admit it. But I have become addicted to my mobile. And its not even an year old! I got my cell phone on Gandhi Jayanti last year. There were blessings from Gandhiji and curses from my parents as they strongly believed that it will spawn an addiction. It is very funny how your parents' warnings fall on deaf years only to sheepishly accept after a few days that they were right. Pride and Ego prevent me from actually telling my parents this but everyone knows the truth eventually.

Coming to the point, I had to give my phone to a cousin for a few days as his brand new cell conked as soon as he stylishly took it for a swim. Thus, I was mobile-less for a couple of days. It was shocking how dependent I had become on it and every now and then there was an imaginary vibration in my pocket. Another alarming sign of mobile addiction is the sudden and drastic fall in your ability to write grammatically correct english without any spelling mistakes. The only way to counter this is by reading lots of novels and the newspaper is a compulsory read.

Vodafone seems to have made up its mind to irritate me. None of the SMSes I have sent are going in their entirety. And my inbox is filled with "pls send the msg again" msges.

All this free time is infuriating actually. There are moments when you lose interest to do anything and the only relief is shouting in frustration. Keeping a sane head at these times is a challenge indeed. An idle mind is indeed a devil's workshop. ( I seem to be catching the Geetha Madhusudan bug here). Life becomes as irritating as seeing Rakhi Sawant. Coming to Rakhi Sawant... I would love to see her married to Rahul Mahajan! That will be the TV show of the century. especially if their day to day activities are captured on film. There will be no need for further comedy.

Things I do when I'm bored...

1) Identify a route through your house which visits all rooms and keep walking on the same route over and over again. It helps if there are small tiles on the floor as you can then concentrate on keeping your foot inside the tile without touching the edges.

2) Watch sitcoms... They are an amazing way to kill time.

3) Brood on philosophical mysteries... you feel ridiculous after some time. But the longer you can keep the act up, the more time you will kill.

4) Plan perfect marriages.. Example: Rakhi Sawant and Rahul Mahajan..

I'm bored of typing as well now!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

No passion.. no curiosity...

The title describes my mindset of late. No enthusiasm. No interest to do anything other than sit idly and stare at the computer. I had been warned many times about the apparent dulling influence that a movie or a TV show has on you if you watch too much of it. Much to my dismay (and the delight of my mother) it is true. The mind goes blank and often stays blank after watching a movie. And there is still the annoying part after the movie where the movie starts replaying in your head. Often at dangerous times like while driving or dodging a particularly nasty bouncer.

It is true that we are all very much influenced by the company we keep. That story, about two parrots who get separated during a storm and end up in a sage's ashrama and a dacoit gang respectively, is ringing in my ears. I have started acting quite unlike myself when in my gang of cricket friends.

1) Swearing now sounds like a way of talking. A sentence without any expletives is usually replied to with another sentence which is usually loaded quite heavily with the ones that you didn't want to use.

2) I am learning the art of laughing at defeats and the humbling, ego destroying revelations that there are always people who are better than you. It is quite a blow to your ego when you are made to sit out on a match you badly wanted to play. And the punishment for even a little whimper of disappointment is another match as a waterboy. I felt this is a wonderful way of beating into people like me that we are not bigger than the team and that the show will go on even if we're too hot headed to notice it.

3) There is no use being a little good at everything. One has to be good at everything or there is no place for him in this world. There should always be a drive to attain perfection.

Enough about cricket. Read a Sidney Sheldon during the past week. Was an awesome read!

Saw a death during the past week. And I did not realize that you should try and squeeze out a few tears while the mourning period lasts. Its nigh impossible for a person like me. So had a brilliant idea! stood in front of the smoke and volunteered to keep it burning. The smoke from the fire automatically brought the tears to the eyes and then it was just a simple matter of putting up a face which goes well with the tears. It sounds scandalous I know.

Lets hope this post marks the beginning of another bout of regular blogging. Comments welcome as always. May the starts watch over you. Use some sunscreen lotion if you want the stars to watch over you in the mornings as well :P (bad joke bad joke)