Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Send d msg again pls..

I am ashamed to admit it. But I have become addicted to my mobile. And its not even an year old! I got my cell phone on Gandhi Jayanti last year. There were blessings from Gandhiji and curses from my parents as they strongly believed that it will spawn an addiction. It is very funny how your parents' warnings fall on deaf years only to sheepishly accept after a few days that they were right. Pride and Ego prevent me from actually telling my parents this but everyone knows the truth eventually.

Coming to the point, I had to give my phone to a cousin for a few days as his brand new cell conked as soon as he stylishly took it for a swim. Thus, I was mobile-less for a couple of days. It was shocking how dependent I had become on it and every now and then there was an imaginary vibration in my pocket. Another alarming sign of mobile addiction is the sudden and drastic fall in your ability to write grammatically correct english without any spelling mistakes. The only way to counter this is by reading lots of novels and the newspaper is a compulsory read.

Vodafone seems to have made up its mind to irritate me. None of the SMSes I have sent are going in their entirety. And my inbox is filled with "pls send the msg again" msges.

All this free time is infuriating actually. There are moments when you lose interest to do anything and the only relief is shouting in frustration. Keeping a sane head at these times is a challenge indeed. An idle mind is indeed a devil's workshop. ( I seem to be catching the Geetha Madhusudan bug here). Life becomes as irritating as seeing Rakhi Sawant. Coming to Rakhi Sawant... I would love to see her married to Rahul Mahajan! That will be the TV show of the century. especially if their day to day activities are captured on film. There will be no need for further comedy.

Things I do when I'm bored...

1) Identify a route through your house which visits all rooms and keep walking on the same route over and over again. It helps if there are small tiles on the floor as you can then concentrate on keeping your foot inside the tile without touching the edges.

2) Watch sitcoms... They are an amazing way to kill time.

3) Brood on philosophical mysteries... you feel ridiculous after some time. But the longer you can keep the act up, the more time you will kill.

4) Plan perfect marriages.. Example: Rakhi Sawant and Rahul Mahajan..

I'm bored of typing as well now!


  1. yeah, I still wonder why those two haven't got married yet..

  2. yeah!...that marriage sure happens when ndtv imagine, colours, mahajan and rakhi, any one or all of them become pauper and are desperate for some solid cash!! :)

  3. Dont tell me Rahul Mahajan is rich!! He will have spent all his cash to pay his lawyers to keep him from going to jail

  4. rahul was nearly paupered to negative bank balances till that dumbshit reality came up!..he cld atleast afford some marriage.. :)
