Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Of Passion

The word "PASSION" is something that is used very loosely. I'm sure we have all been enduring sentences like "be passionate about what you do", "if you are passionate about something, you will excel in it" and many other such sentences. And after all is said and done, at the end of the day we are as passionate as we were the previous day.

So what is passion? I do not know. They say passion is like a fire that is burning inside you. A fire that lends you a lot of energy in the subject or activity that you are passionate about. I have never experienced anything like it.

In my 18 years of existence, I have not been able to recall any incident where I was driven by pure emotion. It has always been about rationality and a certain amount of ignoring emotion. There is a school of thought which says that emotions must not play a part in whatever we do. There is another school of thought which is of the opinion that working with certain emotions actually increases the quality of the work.

What is passion if not an emotion?

Does a person suddenly realize what he is passionate about? Does a person instinctively know how he wants to spend his life? And what about people like me who are still knocking two stones together to start that inner fire?

Is passion an acquired taste? Or is it supposed to appear magically in a person's life? IF it is magical then I probably have to wait longer. If it is an acquired taste then I probably haven't tasted enough to realize which taste I can get used to.

But "Passion" has become a very confusing term for me which is kinda ironic looking at the name of my blog. Guess I have to reconsider the name of my blog now!

May the force/passion be with you...


  1. Haven't you been passionately curious all this while?

  2. I agree...it is very loosely thrown around...especially during CET times..."What do you have passion for?" One guy even asked me "yakappa computer science ge passion ilvenappa? athva seat siglilva?", as if passion is something that can be bought off national market...(i really wanted to hit that guy badly)...

  3. @swaroop: i totally understand!!
    I hate those types of blondes! I would have been disowned by my family
    and my locality if i had taken up BBM..though i got in all major bbm
    colleges in bangalore:(
