Sunday, February 21, 2010


I had been to a function today. It was one of those aftermath events of the wedding. The groom's side hosted the girl's side a luncheon and I was invariably dragged along.
The wedding was of a supposed near cousin. The only glitch is that I never knew that such a cousin existed a couple of years back. I did not go to the wedding citing obvious reasons like exam and stuff, but today my aunt, the groom's mother insisted that I come and there I was.

The reason we had gone there was to have BK. "BK" is a acronym for Bitti Koolu which literally translates to Free Meals in Kannada. So we went there about an hour before lunch, the time which is socially accepted. Late enough to go willfully drag yourself to get ready and early enough not to appear rude and blatantly show to the world that you went there just for BK. I really don't know what purpose it serves because everyone present there knows that you have come for exactly that, though nobody says it aloud.

Moreover it was only for "immediate relatives", the so called "first circle", and I knew absolutely nobody there. I go there and I hear loud voices and laughter from inside. That was the first dampner on what little enthusiasm I had. Its bad enough introducing yourself in a company that comprises of people about 10 years elder, its even worse when they are enjoying themselves and may see you as a possible spoil-sport. I step inside and everybody starts staring at me. Though the stare lasted only for a moment, it feels like eternity by the time they take their eyes off you and return to their chatter. Let me mention here that the newlyweds and all other family members are extremely good people. But however good or accommodating they are, it is impossible not to feel that sense of alienism, that sense of unbelonging. It might not be there the next time I go there, but the first time it was blatant.

I got myself a seat in as obscure a place possible in a perfect rectangular hall with almost no walls to hide behind. And after answering the usual questions like which class and college, I settled down with a newspaper, acutely conscious of every movement in the room. I would have had so much to offer in that conversation if it was in group I was familiar with.
And after that it was all wait for the food, hog and then rush back home.

Unfortunately the food arrived late and the guests even later. We were the only fools who had gone there so early especially for BK and did not have brains enough to come fashionably late like so many others.

It is always in such circumstances that one realizes the true worth of time. IT seems like such a waste reading about bloody Bt Brinjal while waiting for food in an unknown place with all unknown faces around you. I spent about 2 hrs there and was almost fuming by the time I actually got home. If I was at home, I would have probably wasted that time anyway, but when time is wasted and it is not our doing, I bet everyone gets wild.

And what did I do after coming home? Kept switching between the cricket match and Lagaan (Amazing movie by the way :P ). AVS ans HSN would have committed suicide if they realized that an IIT Desirous, 2nd PU student had been to a function just 24 days before the board exams and wasted 2 hrs. To hell with them.

P.S. I dont get the lozic behind the bride's side having to pay for the expenses of the marriage. It ought to be shared equally. The very gesture probably shows the concern that the groom and his family have and will show for the daughter-in-law of the house. But who am I to question 2 millenniums (or millenia???) of chauvinistic tradition.

Good night

Have my physics practicals tomorrow. May the Gods be merciful and give me Ohm's law.


  1. Hey!!...Yea i faced a Very similar situation on friday(19th)!!!!...Lol...

    It was my own cousin's Engagement!!!.. :O
    Of course i knew a Lot of ppl there...but still felt alienated!!..And I am sick of 2nd Puc!!...everyone i meet asks the same question!..."Exams yaavaga?..heng odtha idhya?!"...thu!..cant they mind their business(gossips :P)?!!!!...

    So just to avoid them...i alienated myself with my other cousins!...and the engagement was cool enough as they did away with all the shastras lol!!! uncle nd aunt were fuming...i cud see tht on their faces lol!!...

    And then the MOST important aspect of any function!..FOOD! lol...There my dad introduced me to some of his cousin's.. whom i had never seen before! lol....
    And then again...Rapid Fire!

    Q1) What r u studying?..
    Ans. blah blah blah....

    Q2) So wat r u planning to take up after 2nd PU?
    Ans. Gothilla nodbeku! :P!

    Q3) U have taken up bio na?..Take up biotechnology!...u can mint money!!
    Ans. oh k! ( WTF?!!!..)

    ANd then he suggests me.....
    "Don't do medicine'll take a lot of time!...thumba nalli settle agodu kashta..blah blah!!!!! "

    I just nodded my head!..and then he went away saying...Gud Luck!

    Thu!!..This is why i dont like attending functions!!!...And if i do attend.... these days...i'll try not to make eye contact with any person i know (unless they only come up to me and start the rapid fire! lol!! )...It might be rude..but who cares?!!..i cant answer some unanswerable questions!! lol!

    PS:Gud Luck Shreyas!...try picking the sheet 3 frm left (your left)!!!!...i too got Ohm's Law! :)...

  2. well, my situation is a bit different..
    Our grandfather was very important in the family, so that makes our whole family important!.. So if i go anywhere, they won't torture muthc.. they do ask "henge aagtide studies?", "tests ella aita?".. etc etc.....

    But since we r (ahem ahem ) VIPs.. I cannot sit somewhere and be quiet so easily.. I will either be called or someone will come and sit beside me..
    If an old guy comes, he talks somethin anol and I just nod my head.. "huhu, oh sari.. oh.. oh howdu.. hmm hmm.. ohho.." like tht :P..
    I like to mingle with everyone, so i don't mind if someone just gossips around..

    PS: Btw today, I picked up the second sheet... guess what, I did get ohm's law!
    but actually, someone took the 1st sheet, which makes mine third!! Maybe its a coincidence this year.. or they follow tht pattern every year...

  3. Whow !!...neenu bidappa sathyam ella kade VIP!!...guarantee opkothini!! :P
    btw...there was this funny abbreviation for VIP in my primary skool..."Vichitra Indian Prani"!!! comin to the topic...
    Huh!!..thts exactly wat is said!...the first question they ask is...heng odtha idya??!!
    and prolly they have very very high expectations frm me lol!!!...thts wat scares me a LOT these days! :P

    And yeah....of course...wat other question can they ask a 2nd pu student?! :P
    so...its not their fault too ;) :P lol!

    PS: Whoa!!..gr8!! U know wat?...the person before me got focal length..nd person after me got ohm's law (parallel)...and the one who got TG picked the middle one!!
    so i guess they had actually kept it in an order!!...and how the hell will students know tht! :P...parvagilla onchuru thale upyogsidare! :P :D

  4. yappa...yargadru naanu 2nd pu antha helidre nanna zoo alli ittiro prani thara nodthare...adeno bhaya...adeno thumba concern iro haage...perfect indian middle class mentality.......nimdella vaasinappa... atleast functionge barodikke yellaru force madthare...nange haagalla......function ge karibekadrene "neenu 2nd pu alwa...ninnanna force madolla...manele chennag odko...innondsati baa inna olle oota hakisthini" antare.....namma mane swalpa extreme case antha gottu.......aadru yellaru definite aagi exp madirthare....
