Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baar Baar Barber

I had a haircut today, hence this post. I'm really not able to resist logging onto the net so i might as well write something.

My visits to the barber, ever since I was 6 years old has been a monthly affair. Get up early, go to the barber's shop, tell him just one word "Short" and wait and watch till he hacks off that thick bush on top of your head and then get up and go home. Never, I repeat never have I ever had more than a one word conversation with any barber, until today. And so far my visits to the barber have been hassle free.

Visiting a barber is similar to living in Afghanistan. You have no freedom and you are completely at their mercy. If they screw up your hair, then there's no fixing it back.

Even today I went a bit late, so there were already some people there. The usual banter in Tamil was going on. As always there was today's edition of Bangalore Mirror. I don't know whether it is a coincidence or not, but whenever I see someone reading that paper, its always in THAT PARTICULAR PAGE. No points for guessing which page. Anyway, today an old man of around 50 years was reading it. I wondered what use it could be to him. As always I picked up a copy of filmfare magazine. Interestingly, irrespective of all the newspapers and magazines, it is Filmfare which is most read. (For proof, just look at its condition the next time you go to a barber)
It is completely irritating how all the old guys turn their heads towards you and give you that rueful headshake. Completely pissing off. The other dude was reading "Ask the Sexpert" for Ol' Pete's sake and nobody even raises an eyebrow. Many even kept glancing into what I was reading from time to time. The same ones who gave the rueful headshake and the "See what the world is coming to" looks to each other.

Anyway, after all this tamasha, I finally got to go sit on the chair. I was getting comfortable in the seat when the guy who was supposed to give me a haircut wanted to attend nature's call. The idiot did not return for quite a long time. I usually spend time like that making irritated faces, and when I get bored of that trying out with different looks and gazes at the mirror. Afterall that's right in front of you. What I did forget was that the whole bloody room is full of mirrors and any monkey-like action I do is visible to everybody. So finally stopped acting the goof.

At last the guy came back. I got was about to fall into the familiar stupor and submit myself to his will, become a puppet in his hands when he gave me a look. I replied "Short". HE continued to give me the look and then he asked me "Slope or rounded" I had never heard both words related to haircut before. He took 2 minutes explaining what they were and I finally settled on slope. He tried to ask me few more questions but then realized its futility and started with the familiar hacking and snipping.

I am sure all of you will agree that the waiting part is quite boring. For the first time, I actually remembered how I spent that time.

1) First tried to give that dignified image. Closed eyes, the serious thinking expression. Realized nobody cared.
2) After the initial putting of water and combing was done and the first bit of hair fell down, I tried to open my eyes and started to guess where he would cut hair next. That also got quite boring after some time.
3) It is most fun when half your hair is cut. The barber keeps combing and recombing it to cut somewhere else, and you end up with some amazing hairstyles, although only temporarily. The best thing to do now is try giving different poses to best suit the hairstyle.
4) I still have not gotten over the dreadful feeling of how short the hair actually gets when he's done with the cut. One moment, it's all glamorous and stylish and the next moment its just plain old normal you with a typical scrawny look and very less hair on your head.

Happens to everybody I suppose. But my head does feel a lot lighter after the cut.

Need not trouble myself for another month atleast.

Does it happen with anybody else or is it only me who fears getting his hair cut after studying something. I have this absolutely insane notion that whatever we read gets stored in the hair. You lose the hair, you lose what you have studied. :P Stupid I know but its always nice to have those small superstitions to yourself.



  1. yeah i have that too! well, its not about what i read, but i just have some wierd superstition associated with it :P

  2. and to avoid all the waiting, i go in the evening :P (yeah, baba NBS would certainly frown upon that :P)

  3. Ya I got my hair cut just yesterday and I experienced the same "Slope round" thing. I usually watch the TV there when I go to the Barber's so I havnt experienced what u hav, but I am sure it feels pretty ridiculous. Check out my blog, I am going to write a post on a similar topic soon.

  4. maybe thats why everyting keeps vanishin from my mind

  5. I guess I have you clarify about the title. I heard the old hindi song "Baar Baar Dekho" at the barber's shope so the song stuck in my head the whole day. Hence the title.

    @Gadgin... My barber doesnt have Televisions. :P WE're still in the radio age. Anyway i think my barber gets a lot of interesting characters just because he doesnt charge much (That is not the reason I go to him though. I've been going to him for almost 10 years)

    @Aditya... Welcome to the club.

  6. @Adi, what xactly keeps vanishing from ur mind?

    @Shreyas Haha, my barber charges Rs. 40, a real rip off. But there is another barber furhter down the street who has just a defunct radio, cuts the hair like I was a grizzly and still charges 35. So I figured 40 wasnt 2 bad.

  7. My barber also charges Rs.40 :) He's got Radio, TV and AC!!.. ahem ahem... And I've been goin there since birth!.. He was the one who cut my hair for my upanayanam also.. Years back he charged only Rs.20, but times change :)

    @ShreS, The moment I see this title, I'll be singin tht song for the whole day!! I was singing it in the electronics practical exam, and cutting the wire :))

  8. yeah...40 here too...dunno what the slope and round thing is about :P

  9. wow....nice one....different....simply amazing how you put things in words about what all i'm sure everyone would have experienced in a barbers shop....
    no idea whats that slope n round are about....should ask my barber about it...
    well where i go....theres a TV....i dont know whether it works or not.....i'll pass time listening to music from radio....

  10. 40???? i pay 50!!!...i'll have to speak with my barber about this....

  11. First of all...Gud one shreyas!...nice topic! lol! :P ;)

    hmmm....i swear its sooo annoying to wait there!!!..
    I dont wake up i have to wait until my turn comes!! :( :( ...
    So i usually go to the barber once in 2 1/2 months!! :P :)!!

    I just go there....FULL!!....10 mins...phew! head feels soo light lol!! ;) :P

    I have been going there for almost 6 yrs!(we came to b'lore 6 yrs bck :P) And he still charges 20 bucks! :) :)

    And he has got a tv and puts only 1 channel!!..(filthy minds!! no!! not tht one!:D )
    U2!!! lol!! :P

    and yeah...he asks me...slope or round?...first time.. i said slope (coz i cudnt hear wat the other option was ;P)..but i dint like it! :P

    PS: WHoa!!! sathyam!!...u know tht song??!! ;) :P...u listen to hindi songs anol?...i thought u listen only to ur Runescape music! :P

  12. Can someone explain to me what that slope or round is!!?? every1's talkin abt it...

    @niteesh, well i know hindi songs.. but i'm never interested in the vocals or anything.. I look at the composition and the way its been tuned along with its soundtrack.. I don't mind listening to any song. And for the info, there r so many boring songs in RS, only some r good!

  13. yeah...what's this slope and round business!

  14. Okay, I'll try to explain.

    Its basically something to do with the hair at the back of your head.

    Slope, as I understand means that he will make a gradual incline from the top of the head till your hairline. he will not cut short the hairline but will make it look as though it continues. I guess. I dunno how else to explain that.

    Rounded probably means he will not trim it till the hairline and will take off all the hair below it.

    My description is moronic but that is all I understood. ask your barber for further info

  15. @ shreyas: haha...yeah ...its difficult to explain tht....but i guess ur explanation understandable! :P

    @ others : for the slope thingy...he wont use the razor at the back of ur head... like he does near ur ears anol! :P

    for the round thingy he uses tht razor at the back of ur head! :P

  16. When I go to the barber, if the owner comes to cut my hair, I don't tell anything... He knows how to cut for me (we r VIPs, pade pade helalla :P)If someone else comes, I tell "Sides full short irli, melgade baachkolange irle".. lol..

    In the evenings, a taatha will be thr and he is very slow in cutting.. So I never go in evenings..

  17. @Sathyam : Yella kade scope thogothyallo! nallu??!!!...VIP?? MOOTHI! ;) ..

    btw...i remember...u had sent me a msg on a saturday evening...tht u r going fr a haircut!!!!...kalla...sikkakonda! :P

  18. Well, I rarely go on evenings.. If I go it will be when I know that I won't get up early on the sunday..
    I rarely go late! too boring, 2hrs waste!!!
    I normally go at 6:15 in the morning on sundays.. If I feel I won't get up early(thr r many reasons for this, like playing till 12:00 :P) I go to haircut on aturday evening itself...
    The taatha I was telling about comes on weekdays.. so no worries..:)

  19. @sathyam : Btw...i am remembering a different song now!....not bar bar dekho...but another song...u know which one??..

    "Bari olu...Bari olu...MTV subbalakshmi ge...bari Olu "!!..haha
    and...i am humming tht song since i read ur comment!! ;) :P

    First of all....U getting up LATE!!?? is something tht i am hearing for the first time!!.... :O
    I thought u get up at 5am daily!! :P

    And Secondly.....U play till 12 ?!!...again...i am sure no1 will believe u!!...y dont u say the truth tht u read till 3 am??!! :P :D

  20. @shreyas...........damn gud one

    @satyam's nd nit's war of words...i hav to take nit's side....
    satyam,u going to barbar in evenings ..shantam paapam....u get up at 5 n go thr like every week i guess...ive never seen ur hair more then 2cm....sending msgs at 6 in d morning....wat nonsense?!....n finally ill bet a million bucks tat u dont know tat song

    p.s:baar baar dekho wat satyam?..the barbar?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. btw, has anyone got that oil massage? my father keeps telling me to go and get one!! is it good? :P :)

    haha.. lol.. 'war of words'.. good one suhas...
    and do shantam paapam twice.. I've gone in the evening twice :P... and I don't go thr every week!! i go like 2weeks once or sometimes, once in a month! I don't like too much hair on my head.. i like it short and sweet :P

  23. @sathyam..
    pls stop ur utterly nonsensical, kiddish rubbish..i cant take it anymore!

  24. btw...i just got my haircut today! ;)
    and guess wat?..he's got a new dvd player now!!...
    And he put tht dumb movie 2012 !!...

    All "halli guggus" started giving their own theories about this over hyped 2012!! :P

    But one guy commented something new!!!!...something which i had never heard before!!...

    He was like.." Tv nalli swamiji(i presume its NBS) helidru...bengluru , mysore'u' safe guru!..bere kade ella pralaya agatte...naav matra bachav agthivi"!!!!

    wat crap?!!..:?

  25. NOBODY answered my question.. how will tht oil massage be???? has anyone had it before?!

    @Niteesh, its not NBS, its SACCHIDAANANDA BABU.. tht guy's telling it from 2006 or so!! there wer posters of him tht time at many places...
