Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Almighty Fight for the Remote

"3 things to make sure you have a happy family...
1) Have separate bathrooms
2) Have separate bank accounts
3) have separate TV s.

If you don't have a TV or if you don't have soap-addicted grandparents then you are one lucky person. Though you might not have any interference while watching your TV, you sure as hell missed out on all the fun there is to be had fighting for the control of the one thing which even determines the lifestyle of the people in the house... THE REMOTE.

Usually, in every house there is that one particular place where everyone wants to sit to watch TV. That place is usually always next to the remote. The wars fought to gain control of that place are infact more fierce than any war ever fought.

If you think seeing such wars are awesome, then taking part in them is even better! Though if you are the youngest person and you are waging your war against your much older and supposedly wiser grandparents then you are sure to lose most of the time, but the fun lies in not giving up and savoring the few moments where you actually manage to hoodwink them.

There is no fun in shouting and arguing. Its the silent wars that are more fun. I mean didn't the Cold War have more of a lasting impact than the actual World wars?

Some Tips from a battle hardened war veteran.. myself :)

1) Don't ever ever ever ever look at your grandparents when you have the remote in your hands. You will be forced to surrender it in order to remain respectful. Simply pretend that they do not exist.

2) Always make sure you have visited the bathroom/lavatory etc before you make your move to gain control of the remote. Enjoy your moments there... they might be few and precious and its really irritating having a bursting bladder disturb that sense of superiority.

3) Carry the remote wherever you go... i.e. if you are seized by the sudden urge to munch on some really tasty ambode (Its an amazing dish... seriously... ask your grandparents about it when there is a break in your tv show and you are holding the remote. Such questions do irritate them :P )then be careful to actually carry the remote... but dont forget to exclaim and say how foolish you are for carrying it into the kitchen and give them an all knowing smile :).

4) Plan your move at such a time when you are sure you wont be besieged by visitors. They are your enemies and not your allies... Even your friends, who stop by for a chat!!! i.e. there is not point in seizing the remote when it is near lunch or dinner time, or early mornings or late evenings.

5) DO NOT EXPECT YOUR PARENTS TO BACK YOU... they will always back your grandparents. All you will get from them is useless sympathy

6) Always engage them in conversations when there are advertisements on TV and turn your attention back to the TV as soon as your program returns. This shows your superiority and helps you savor your moments with the remote.

7) Do it sparingly... to much and you will incur everybody's wrath at home for being selfish. You will have more fun this way.

8) God help you if you have siblings... especially younger ones. I know nobody ever let you watch cartoons when you were young and now you will have to sacrifice an awesome EPL match to watch bloody Cartoon Network.

Follow all these steps and you will be successful in the BATTLE for the REMOTE...

May your wits stay with you and may you always remember that the place between your ears is not empty..


P.S. This article might appear to be written by someone who does not respect his elders. As much as i do respect them, ITS MY HOUSE TOO FOR Ol' PETE's SAKE...


  1. Haha, looks like u got very recently bugged and u decided to write bout the incident.

    Anyway, we had a very easy solution 2 this problem. It is better than all the advice you gave us : WE DONT HAVE CABLE TV!!!! Hahaha. It is the best method, and u dont hav 2 waste ur time 2.

  2. lol!!... gud 1!...Btw..same here...no problem at my place!!... NO CONNECTION TO D TV!! :))...but thts only during my exam times...and of course for almost d WHOLE of 2nd PUC! ;/

    But... wen we do get the connection back...its d battle btwn me and my brother ONLY!..He wants to watch anything related to Cricket... n i want to watch anything related to FOOTBALL! :P...
    He wins sometimes...i win sometimes! :P :D

    Btw..thank god my mom isnt SOAP-ADDICTED! :) :)

  3. And behold...the newest addition to 'no cable connection'...yours truly..
    feb to april..

  4. Want to see an Ideal house? come to my place, no fighting for TV at all. My mother watches in the afternoons, Myself in the morning and evening and my father after he comes back from work. If we have any clashes, we record it and watch it later.. Simple :)

    So switch to TataSky+
    No fighting...
    Happy Watching :)

  5. we have two TVs, but only me and my bro fight :P

  6. common Swaroop, v hav an Eng xam tom, it is my "My brother and I"!!! I rarely use it 2 but it is easy 2 find faults with ppl!! :)

    And Satyam, we shall come to your "Ideal House" and watch TV with you in the "morning". And I shall definitely recommend your sentence for the Tata Sky Tagline. :P

    Enu Deepak'avaru, full studyingaa, without TV adunu. :P

  7. In our house, 'If' we fight for the TV, it will b/w myself, my father and my mother..
    I and my bro have never fought... The last time we fought was probably when I was in 8th!.. When it was decided he was to leave for Goa, I stopped fighting with him :)..
    And now we don't fight,:) or :(.. I dunno which smiley to put!!

  8. C'mon.. fighting for the remote is gr8. With siblings you can fight and argue, but you cant do that with grandparents. Since none of you have that experience, I'll take the liberty in saying that it requires a lot of planning and cunning.. :)

    Oh and one more hint (Why do i even bother?? looks like nobody needs it) If you want to watch a show on TV, then keep talking to yourself very audibly and make sure everyone knows when the show you want to watch is going to come..

  9. if u just observe, Deepak (G)Ji's cable is removed from Feb to April.. ie till IIT exams... He won't need to study for AIEEE, CET, COMEDK or BITS-SAT.. OMG!!!!!

  10. sathyam stop plagiarising aamir khan's ads...
    by not fighting with ur bro ur missing one of the most satisfying experiences! :P
    btw april => april end...including cet
    dont worry i still have shreyas' blog for entertainment! :D
    and its bitsat...not bits-sat!

  11. @ Deepak.. thank you thank you... your equating we with cable tv for entertainment. :) But nowadays cable tv sucks, only repeated and boring stuff all the time and no ESPN or Star Sports when you really require it. I prefer Tata Sky :)

    @Satyam... Plagiarism= use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work

  12. Ayyo! I know what it means...
    @Deepak, I never copy anyone!! I hope u know that.. I never understood the correct method to copy :)
    That line which I told was my own..

    @Shreyas, Prefer TataSky+, The best service u can ever get.. Subscribe to the Mega Pack and get all channels along with 12movies free!! The best part is u can record anything and everything that is telecasted! Join the GANG!

  13. Due to technical difficulties and the utter lack of any useful/relevant/informative matter, the old comments have been removed. :P

  14. Finally u did what I've been asking for! Thank u..
    But you know, I miss those moments :P

  15. @shreyas s : Gud Job! :) *(Thumbs Up)* ;)
