Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Treatise on Trust

Since I have had an emotionally draining day and have no mood to study, I though I will do an introspection on TRUST. All the things written are my own thoughts, at the moment, from a frayed mind. They maybe strikingly accurate or woefully wrong. Correct me if I am wrong.

Trust by nature is very fickle. It cannot be relied upon, for the simple reason that every person's idea of trust varies. What I may consider an act of trust someone else may an act of selfishness. Acts that would otherwise have bridged gaps and strengthened trust can just as quickly be the undoing of a relationship.

A person can be thought of as a garden with a lot of beautiful flowers, thorns and touch-me-not plants, and a small lawn. The lawn is a person's comfort zone. It is nice to sit on and very co-operative and smiling during a conversation. Anything that you want to know about the person is here for all to see. This is the part a person likes to portray. Usually a very sunny picture with beautiful flowers at the edges. Flowers to only look pretty.

The flower garden is where you go once you are pretty close to that person. We get to go into the flower gardens of very few people in our lives, invariably because they are very well guarded. It is in this flower garden that you know the real character of a person. Whether his plants are rotten or whether there is a beautiful lotus in the murky pond. Trusting a person is going into this flower garden with the full knowledge of the owner and being able to pluck flowers without causing the person any pain. Most people flinch when their flowers are plucked because a plucking causes the same amount of pain, whether it is torn by a band of marauding Mongols or picked up by a beautiful young maiden to give to her loved one. The first plucking is probably the most important in terms of establishing trust.

Even when the first plucking is done, it does not guarantee easy access to everything in the garden. There are fickle things like the touch-me-not plants. They cringe at the slightest touch and invariably stay cringed until you vacate the premises. These are the sensitive parts of the person's mind that will not suffer your touch, however pleasurable or coaxing it is. It is actually the amount of touch-me-not s present in the garden that determines whether a person is an extrovert or an introvert. Try too much touching, or walk like an oaf and you're out of the garden before you know it. It is a very painful and difficult procedure to get back to the garden. Even if you make it back there, you will find most of it barred.

Tread very carefully where the touch-me-not s lie. They may be hidden to the eye or in plain sight. A person who willfully touches them and enjoys seeing them cringe is a friend to none. A person who touches one by mistake, causes cringing but can be forgiven. A humble request to all readers. Please differentiate between those that have touched your touch-me-not s willfully and those that have done so by mistake. Every touch hurts, but some you can bear. Pushing every person who touches them out of your garden will only make sure you have no more visitors.

Think how all of you act in others' gardens and then think of how they are treating you, whether you deserve it or not.

Gods be with you.

3 lessons learnt, by no means Idiotic

The first time was very exciting...

The second time was pretty enjoyable...

Third time was more of an obligation....

The fourth time, I did it to get rid of boredom...

I am just talking about the 4 times I saw the movie "3 Idiots" in as many days and nothing else.

The movie is AMAZING. possibly the best movie of last year. Great performances by everybody. I loved Boman Irani's act. The one person who stole the show was Omi, playing Chatur's part. He deserves an award for that performance.

Anyway, the reason I watched the movie 4 times is simply to waste time. Exam times tend to bring out the worst in people (Hopefully before it brings out the best in them). And so it I feel it is better to get the worst in you over pretty fast, i.e. if you feel the urge to watch TV, then watch enough TV so that you get disgusted the next time you see it. Unfortunately, I have been trying it for 4 days and it hasn't worked yet.

The movie is something everybody can connect to. It is simple, down to earth, somewhat filmy towards the end, but comes with many great messages. I'll try to outline some of them...

1) Follow your passions and work where your talent lies:- A straight enough message. DO things which you are good at. But I have one doubt... How will you know what you are good at? In out limited curriculum and big fat IIT books, you are either good at everything or good at nothing. The latter is my case. Chuck that... how will you know you have actually come across the thing that you are good at or the thing you love doing? Someone please tell me if you have felt complete happiness or satisfaction in something you have done because I have not. And I don't know whether not loving that one special thing is any cause for concern.

2)Understanding is more important than the definition:- Agreed. Very true. This is what every teacher in school used to tell us before they used to wring our necks and box our ears for not learning the definition by heart. So easy to preach yet so difficult to implement. Not that it is our fault. Ever since the vedic ages, we Indians have been made to rote learn everything. I am sure Lord Brahma made the Rishis who performed penance for Brahmavidya learn it all by heart.

3) This is possibly the most apt message. Learn to live life today, not think of yesterday or dream of tomorrow:- The first time I saw the movie, Chatur's Teacher's Day speech was my favourite part. Now, having watched it three more times (and after having memorized chatur's speech :P) I think the best part of the movie is Raju's Interview scene. He frankly tells the interviewers how he used to act and how he was always scared of tomorrow. In his case it was the fear of failure, in a majority of others, it is the dream of making it big and possibly being famous. The kind of thing that can ruin all your plans. I spent this whole week dreaming and watching movies, and doing a sum or two here and there and now I realized what a fool I had been the whole week. Even then, I will think of this week as one weel spent as I realized what a blunder I was doing. If somebody has been doing the same things as me, then please make a resolution that you will work hard from now atleast (and let that resolution stay for a little while).

Enjoy what you are doing... May your swords stay sharp...


P.S. Don't forget to see the moon today. It is supposed to be the brightest and biggest view of the moon you will get this year

P.P.S. I can see some very badly framed sentences here... Im too bored to correct all of them. Guess it is understandable :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Love!!! Lessons in dating by NBS

(For IIT Desirous... NBS is NOT n-bromosuccinamide)

NBS stands for His Holiness Sri Sri Narendra Babu Sharma, who incidentally hosts my favourite comedy show. This peerless seer was today talking about the Kali Yuga and the apparent evil influence of Rahu.

It seems that Rahu is responsible for causing change. Change, according to him means inter-caste marriages. In his own words "From 2012 onwards, love marriages will become very frequent. Rahu is gaining power now and it is his influence."

I say "BULLSHIT". It is not Rahu's influence. Its the influence of almost a decade of Shah Rukh Khan's intolerable weeping and All's well that end's well love stories. Even if Rahu's grandfather gained power, love marriages would still be on the rise.

He swears that people whose horoscopes match are the only ones who live happily. What of the westerners? Arent there any couples who were married without their horoscopes matching? I can quote examples from our own epics and puranas.

1) Lets start with the man who was considered the epitome of goodness... Lord Rama. He married his wife in a Swayamwara. I don't think a man's entry to a Swayamwara required his horoscope to match with the bride's.

2) Everybody knows the story how Shiva married his wife Parvathi. Parvathi performed devout and severe penance to please him. YOu dont hear him saying "Hey, I'd love to but do our horoscope's match?"

3) Nala and Damayanti, the stuff of epic love stories. They did not check first if their horoscopes matched or not.

4) Dushyantha and Shakunthala... Dushyantha met Shakunthala while roaming in the forest and got betrothed to her. I am sure he did not carry his horoscope in his underpants to first check whether they matched.

What I mean to say is that horoscopes dont actually matter. What matters is whether the two people getting married are ready to believe in and work on their marriage. Getting a Gay man and a straight female married because their horoscopes match will not in any way improve their marriage.

Coming to NBS's statement... he expects to people to carry their horoscopes with them and whenever someone has a crush on another, first check whether your horoscopes match and then proceed.


Saturday, January 23, 2010


This was the conversation in my house yesterday... I will retain the technical terms, please bear with it.

Dad( To grandpa): When can I buy the vehicle?
Grandpa: Hmmmm (takes out panchanga) lets see... monday is pretty good
Dad: But the vehicle will come to the showroom only by monday evening.
G: Oh, ok. Tuesday is ruled out. Wednesday.... hmmm it might not suit you. What about thursday?
D: But I am busy on thursday.
G: In that case why not the next day?
Me: (getting irritated, In a mocking voice) Oh, but isnt it a friday? The engine might rust and the wheel might refuse to turn.
(Get shouted at by everybody else in the house)(After regaining composure..)
G: All days are ok... other than tuesday you take it whenever you want.

Me (To myself): WTF... That's what I have been saying for days!!

Another dialogue that many of us would have heard before in our lives, one of my favourite ones by the way, "Don't talk about things you don't understand".

What is this whole big deal with astrology anyway? I really dont see any sense in people dedicating their entire lives to astrology. Agreed, it is a science, people were able to predict the exact time of the sunrise today a thousand years back. But that is math and math has no time frame. I am talking about the prediction part. That is so not scientific.

I happen to listen to a lot of these astrology shows and there is one show i absolutely love. It comes in "Suvarna", a kannada channel in the morning conducted by one Mr. Narendra Babu Sharma. These are some of the things he asks people to do, some one please tell me the logic behind any of this...

1) Girls should not wear anything that even closely resembles a pant because it will not allow free passage of air and that is Rahu's strength and he will surely damage your chances of getting offspring later on.

2) What to do if you think someone has put a curse on you (its something similar to voodoo dolls) First take a lemon. IT should be the exact size of the inside of a coconut. Then you piss into a glass in the morning and keep it in the north east corner of your house. After performing pooja with a lot of devotion, you pray to the lemon and drop it into your piss and keep it there for 2 days. It is very important that you do not look into the glass of your piss. After 2 days if the lemon has turned read then someone has put a curse on you, if it only stinks then you are safe.

I will not go on about what to do if you are cursed...

Dude WTF!! You are not only talking to your generation. You words also fall into the ears of GenX. If you tell me not to wear jeans because the sun wont like it or Shani is behind Ketu who is the sister's son of the moon who is in my rashi right now, all I will do is get you on an auto to NIMHANS. All the sun can do if i am wearing jeans is make it hot so i sweat and... well lets just leave it there...

Coming back to my favourite sentence "Don't speak about things you don't understand". I agree that I don't know anything. I am just 18 years old. I might not have studied all the vedas and sacred texts, but God has granted me enough brains to understand what is taught to me. I ask you people to make us understand. If you can truly show me that it is bad for me to wear jeans because the sun wont like it or shani is behind rahu blah blah blah, I will follow it. If not then I wont until I am convinced otherwise.

The problem with most people who say that is they have never asked their fathers why all these customs are followed.
I shall now narrate a story to prove my point. "Once upon a time a boy in the family got married. The wife came into the kitchen the next morning and saw her mother-in-law cooking fish. She was surprised to see the MIL cut off the head and the tail and keep them next to the body and then cook it. She asked her MIL why she was doing it. The MIL said that that was the tradition in this shouse and fish has been cooked like this for ages and that is the reason for their good health. The wife was not convinced and asked her again. The MIL again hid behind the wall of tradition and asked her to approach the boy's grandmother who taught her to cook that way. On hearing the story, the old woman just chuckled and said "My daughter, when I ran the house, the vessel I used could not contain the whole fish, so to fit the fish into the vessel I would cut the head and the tail and keep them next to body."

So much for tradition. What if some of the things we do on the pretext of following our tradition actually had some such reason behind it and how foolish would all of us feel if we actually got to know such a dumb reason?

Think about it...

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Fear of Tears...

Long ago a great man said "To behold a woman's cry makes you sad, a man crying just wants to make you kick his ass once more."

So what is it about men and crying that makes people want to spit on them? Why should a woman then be allowed to cry? Crying, my dear friends is not a characteristic of a particular gender, 'tis the heart that weepeth not the man.

There are two ways of looking at and understanding the title...
1) You fear crying, i.e. making a supposed fool of yourself in public.
2) Being scared of people who cry.

I will try to discuss both scenarios...


I am sure that every man feels this fear. Every man is ashamed to admit that he cries. It might be after a hard fall in P.E. class in 5th standard or a particularly unpleasant event in your peer group. Crying is just a form of expressing one's emotions.
The Raj Kapoor era started it all... That was the era in which women enjoyed watching men cry for a change. Curse him... and suddenly crying was fashion. Dudes who could never hope to get the girl in the usual "Majnu Laila" ishtyle resorted to crying. How many fake cry-babies have we not seen in our lives? Such people apparently have no shame and are willing to bare all before anybody (No kinky thoughts please.. this is a serious issue). If in a particularly unpleasant situation or extreme grief, anybody is excused. A man also needs to express his emotions. But people crying after a short squabble or to extract pity is just a disgrace.

Please do not take these words to hear.. You need to know a person very closely before you decide if he is a sissy or not. People very often have very weird ways of expressing themselves. Think about this and the people around you.


This people is a very genuine fear. Someone come up with a good scientific -----phobia name. Be very very careful with people who cry, especially men. Never ever oppose them or they will cry. What is so great about someone who cries? you may ask... but the society immediately makes you the villain instead of condemning the person for being a cry baby. The society will consider you a brute who has made a man cry, it will never think of the cause or the consequence. It is something like BMTC bus drivers being blamed for all accidents involving a bus. Really unfair, I know, but life is seldom fair. Never argue with a man who cries

Think about it, The Fear of tears... I bet nobody ever thought of this :P

P.S. The great man mentioned at the beginning of the post is me :D but the effect is always better if it seems like someone else has said it.

P.P.S Well, I don't think anybody wants to know about women crying. I should probably write about some of the things they might not cry for. Since the majority of the blog readers are male and chauvinistic to a certain degree I will speak no further.. comment if you want to say something.

P.P.P.S I simply love putting post scripts.. In case any of you are wondering from where the extra 'P's are coming, it is an inspiration from Tom & Jerry.

P.P.P.P.S I never knew so many people want to read what I read. Thanks to all of you.

P.P.P.P.P.S once again... Exams suck

P.P.P.P.P.P.S ok.. that's enough.. this is getting rather irritating.

Ciao.. May your swords stay sharp and may your eyes stay dry. And may your refill never get empty. ( A sword is a sword and not symbolic to anything else)

Monday, January 11, 2010


If you are reading this and you are a second PU student like I am then you are also as jobless as me...

LAST WARNING: Switch off the comp and go study...

You dont want to? then join the club :D

This post is a sincere attempt at social service. I am attempting to try and instill some much needed seriousness in all of us who actually need to write some absolutely annoying F****n, B****y exams.. (Why the hell cant I use these words when our dignified, well educated ex PM himself can)

The beginning of college was a lot of fun. I am sure all of us were very proud to be graduating from school and being called college students. At such a juncture I'm sure all of us never thought of anything more than getting rid of uniforms, getting pocket money and a whole new brand of having fun. Now After 2 years, at a time when all the fun vanishes and hard reality sets in, how many of us are actually without any regret? Definitely not me. I'm regretting almost everything right now. Not studying, not having a lot of fun either, joining this bloody course, not taking anything seriously, wasting time, and the list is endless. We can probably be excused for wasting time during the beginning of the year citing lame reasons like "we have the whole year ahead". But can we be excused for wasting time procrastinating, and mulling over lost time now?? DEFINITELY NOT. Let bye-gones be bye-gones, no use crying over spilled milk.

Lets just make the best of what we have left.. If you are still not serious, call this number 0612351261521856213412132131. IF you are lucky, you might get to speak to GOD. And if you dont want to call God, then atleast call Tirupathi Thirumala Trust and ask them how you can come to work there. Or else the streets of Bangalore are big enough to accomodate few more beggars. Sorry if Ive offended anybody, but i feel its always better to walk on hard ground than float in the air and come crashing down later.

Bye and All the Best

P.S. Congratulations, you have just wasted 5 mins to read this. Now that you have actually wasted 5 mins, waste 2 more commenting and then be kind enough to life your bottom off the chair in front of the computer and go study..

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ma.. ma.. Marriage???

This probably comes under "Things to do when one is bored" which for me is most of the day, so I end up experimenting with a lot of stuff. Lol, I'm not talking about getting married when one is bored, its just the exercise that I am going to recommend.

My uncle (mom's brother) is 37 years old and still unmarried. As a ritual, my mother goes through all the websites like,,, hoping to find a suitable bride for him (I'm going to speak about the suitable part later). I on the other hand give him some more sensible websites to refer to like,, and other such extremely informative sites. Another every morning ritual is going through the "classifieds" sheet in the newspaper to look for adverts for grooms. This responsible work has been given to me :D and its something i completely enjoy doing. Reading this page is better than any joke book in the whole world. For example...

1. This is an advert for a groom...
Handsome, well educated, matured, smart groom required for vvf(stands for very very fair), cultured, smart, educated girl. Groom should be over 6 ft. Age difference below 5 years. Should be interested in music.

I mean.. WTF do the girl's parents mean by matured?? how do they think they are going to know if the guy who is actually going to marry their daughter is matured? Or do they think that a guy's parents are going to say " OMG they are asking for a matured guy, is my son matured?" The music part is awesome... the girl's parents probably refer to karnatic music, probably because the girl has learnt singing, but what if he turns out to be a hardcore metal/death metal fan?

2. Advert for a bride...
vvf, cultured, gentle and caring girl required for well educated, well paid software executive. Should not be working. Should be well versed with ways and means of brahmin family.

advert for a groom...
Good looking, well educated.. blah, blah blah... groom required for beautiful.. blah, blah blah bride. (Now comes the fun part.. )

I mean WTF do they mean by this whole message. The girl's father should be thrashed and beheaded and his head put up near the entrance to the city with words "MORON" written on his forehead. What does he think marriage is? Guess he would rather prefer the guy's parents dead than alive. Which parent would not want his son to stay with him during his old age? And who would ever want to marry a girl with so many conditions. I guess the unfortunate soul who actually marries her will have to sign a contract or some such thing with more than a 100 other such meaningless clauses.
It wont be surprising if the contract contains clauses like the girl prefers this brand of toilet paper and that the toilet in the groom's house should be maroon in color. Or that the house should have a rose plant and that the guy's parents should not object to her picking roses.

Anyway, I'm not the one getting married so I'm safe and I had my share of laughter reading this. It is kind of scary seeing the increasing demands of the bride's parents. I'm not bothered about all that for atleast a decade. I bet the next generation of grooms will have to pay a "groom"al fee to actually woo the bride's family.

This is a very enjoyable and pleasant exercise. Please read the alliance section of the classifieds sheet as frequently as you can. It is a very enjoyable read. :D

Ciao, and be careful when you marry.. :P

P.S. This topic actually requires atleast 10 more posts, but i really dont have the patience to type all that. Please comment...

P.P.S I forgot to write about the "Suitable" tag for the bride... I will try to write that in the next post if I have the mood.

P.P.S. Exams suck... they suck and should be banned.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Saying sorry..

Life is a juxtapose of a lot of emotions. Happiness, anger, jealousy, grief, etc etc etc. The human society demands its subjects to act in accordance with its rules, all the time. Recently, I was involved in a rather embarrassing situation which involved phone calls and cousins and some other relatives and I was caught red handed with something. All that was required to ease myself out of that quicksand was a simple humble and honest "I'm Sorry". Believe it or not folks, saying sorry is probably one of the toughest things to do.

I have come across many situations in which one has to sincerely apologize. Some people are over enthusiastic in their "'sorry's" and end up irritating the person to whom they are apologizing. Some others never mean a sorry and say it only at someone else's bidding. Some others say a quick sorry and vacate the premises even before anyone realizes that the sorry was actually said. Many others burst out crying just to avoid saying the words. Many end up trying to justify their actions or actually becoming abusive.

So why don't people want to say sorry?

Its a very simple thing actually.. some broad reasons why people do not say sorry might be...

1. They have a feeling that they are at fault but are trying to deny it. They try to justify their actions by giving lame excuses or going to the extent of actually inventing stories just so that their actions are justified. Such people are required in Bollywood to write better scripts, or in stand-up-comedy shows where their ability to lie at the drop of a pin is actually put to use.

2. They know that it is their fault entirely but they are more worried about their status in the society. These people are the ones from whom abuses can be expected. Shouting one's way out of trouble is an age old method of denial which, I am disgusted to say, actually works. It is often assumed that people who talk with confidence are right. But the next time someone tries to shout their way out of trouble, chances, its their fault.

3. They might be too embarrassed to accept their mistake. These people often recognize their mistake and realize that everybody also knows about their deed. So they quietly try to change the topic or make a sudden declaration about the weather or politics. These kind of situations are quite funny.

Whatever the reason for one not saying sorry, it is true that one does not improve if he doesnt recognize his mistakes and try to rectify them. So let us give up pretenses and actually try to say sorry next time we are really at fault.. Believe me its bloody difficult..

And by the way, I thought all this because my "Im sorry" came out after a long time and quite half heartedly when I should have been saying it almost instantaneously.


Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolution...

It is not with any great enthusiasm that I am writing this post. In fact I'm far from enthusiastic.

Last year was one of the less than ideal years of my life. I lost all that I believed in. I was made to feel inferior, mostly by my own actions or rather the lack of action, in everything i thought i was good at. That will not do. I am and forever will be one among the best, if not the best. The past year was a very rude wake up call which I now feel was I completely deserved. Last year was one of insecurity on all fronts, monetarily, from the educational perspective and in every other aspect of life. Relationships deteriorated, some broke down, faith was lost, sense of judgement became mockery and pride and selfishness set in. Snobbism was at its peak and amidst all this I completely became blind towards the main intention of going to college... Education, having fun, meeting new people etc etc etc... So this year I hope to make a fresh beginning with everybody and i mean absolutely everybody... people who read this blog and people who do not read it.

Coming to my new year resolution... HAVE LOTS OF FUN. I thought a lot about it and finally was able to pinpoint what i lacked. During the past year I seemed always disinterested in everything from debate competitions to quizzes to sports. I learnt one of the hardest things there is to learn in life. The necessity to love whatever you do. The necessity to feel the desire to excel at everything and the necessity to be able to see past one's prejudices.

My other new year resolution is GETTING RID OF ALL PAST PREJUDICES... be it on man or machine, I have resolved to make a fresh beginning with both. I will never again try to influence any man against someone else.

So lets toast now to a new year which is as sure as hell going to be fun-filled and an year i hope i will always remember as that one in which I learned valuable lessons and an year which shapes my life for the future.



Hello.. I'm back and all previously made promises have been flushed down the loo.

Today is Jan1 2010. A new year. But nothing new going on in my life. Its boring as hell. Procrastination has been the major event in life for the past few weeks. I very badly want to get out of town for a couple of days and come back mentally refreshed. I know that this post is very unlike anybody's else's new year blog post but life is going very monotonously and in as boring a way as possible.

The expectations of all of us this year are very high. I will personally be letting down a lot of people, mostly my parents, if I do not do well this year.

Well to hell with that. Im sick and frustrated with exams and my mind is completely blank nowadays. Not at all what is expected of a 2nd PU student.

Hope this yera is not as boring as the last was.
