Saturday, January 30, 2010

3 lessons learnt, by no means Idiotic

The first time was very exciting...

The second time was pretty enjoyable...

Third time was more of an obligation....

The fourth time, I did it to get rid of boredom...

I am just talking about the 4 times I saw the movie "3 Idiots" in as many days and nothing else.

The movie is AMAZING. possibly the best movie of last year. Great performances by everybody. I loved Boman Irani's act. The one person who stole the show was Omi, playing Chatur's part. He deserves an award for that performance.

Anyway, the reason I watched the movie 4 times is simply to waste time. Exam times tend to bring out the worst in people (Hopefully before it brings out the best in them). And so it I feel it is better to get the worst in you over pretty fast, i.e. if you feel the urge to watch TV, then watch enough TV so that you get disgusted the next time you see it. Unfortunately, I have been trying it for 4 days and it hasn't worked yet.

The movie is something everybody can connect to. It is simple, down to earth, somewhat filmy towards the end, but comes with many great messages. I'll try to outline some of them...

1) Follow your passions and work where your talent lies:- A straight enough message. DO things which you are good at. But I have one doubt... How will you know what you are good at? In out limited curriculum and big fat IIT books, you are either good at everything or good at nothing. The latter is my case. Chuck that... how will you know you have actually come across the thing that you are good at or the thing you love doing? Someone please tell me if you have felt complete happiness or satisfaction in something you have done because I have not. And I don't know whether not loving that one special thing is any cause for concern.

2)Understanding is more important than the definition:- Agreed. Very true. This is what every teacher in school used to tell us before they used to wring our necks and box our ears for not learning the definition by heart. So easy to preach yet so difficult to implement. Not that it is our fault. Ever since the vedic ages, we Indians have been made to rote learn everything. I am sure Lord Brahma made the Rishis who performed penance for Brahmavidya learn it all by heart.

3) This is possibly the most apt message. Learn to live life today, not think of yesterday or dream of tomorrow:- The first time I saw the movie, Chatur's Teacher's Day speech was my favourite part. Now, having watched it three more times (and after having memorized chatur's speech :P) I think the best part of the movie is Raju's Interview scene. He frankly tells the interviewers how he used to act and how he was always scared of tomorrow. In his case it was the fear of failure, in a majority of others, it is the dream of making it big and possibly being famous. The kind of thing that can ruin all your plans. I spent this whole week dreaming and watching movies, and doing a sum or two here and there and now I realized what a fool I had been the whole week. Even then, I will think of this week as one weel spent as I realized what a blunder I was doing. If somebody has been doing the same things as me, then please make a resolution that you will work hard from now atleast (and let that resolution stay for a little while).

Enjoy what you are doing... May your swords stay sharp...


P.S. Don't forget to see the moon today. It is supposed to be the brightest and biggest view of the moon you will get this year

P.P.S. I can see some very badly framed sentences here... Im too bored to correct all of them. Guess it is understandable :)


  1. well well..shreya..another of ur masterpieces here need no correction..but it deserves an applause..(can u hear it bro?)..
    to be very frank...i have been doing wat u doing since a week except for a very "MINUTE" corrction...ive been doing wat u doin now since 2 full academic yers...including today!!
    but the fact of facts is that we shld not waste the remaining time pondering over it..or rather blogging over it..wat say?

    and ur takes on 3 idiots and the messages it delivers...needs no beating..its true to everyword..and i too felt the same wen i watched it the second time...very keenly!!

    all i hope is we too become successful jus like them... after enjoying my 2 years the saying goes..aal izzwell that endzz well..

    ps: one doubt..hw was raju given a chance to sit in the interview after cosistentlty bottoming the class and getting caught for all the crap?

  2. *shreyas..sorry for the small(:P)spelling mistake!!

  3. lol.. lets just leave the filmy bits and focus on the story.
