Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolution...

It is not with any great enthusiasm that I am writing this post. In fact I'm far from enthusiastic.

Last year was one of the less than ideal years of my life. I lost all that I believed in. I was made to feel inferior, mostly by my own actions or rather the lack of action, in everything i thought i was good at. That will not do. I am and forever will be one among the best, if not the best. The past year was a very rude wake up call which I now feel was I completely deserved. Last year was one of insecurity on all fronts, monetarily, from the educational perspective and in every other aspect of life. Relationships deteriorated, some broke down, faith was lost, sense of judgement became mockery and pride and selfishness set in. Snobbism was at its peak and amidst all this I completely became blind towards the main intention of going to college... Education, having fun, meeting new people etc etc etc... So this year I hope to make a fresh beginning with everybody and i mean absolutely everybody... people who read this blog and people who do not read it.

Coming to my new year resolution... HAVE LOTS OF FUN. I thought a lot about it and finally was able to pinpoint what i lacked. During the past year I seemed always disinterested in everything from debate competitions to quizzes to sports. I learnt one of the hardest things there is to learn in life. The necessity to love whatever you do. The necessity to feel the desire to excel at everything and the necessity to be able to see past one's prejudices.

My other new year resolution is GETTING RID OF ALL PAST PREJUDICES... be it on man or machine, I have resolved to make a fresh beginning with both. I will never again try to influence any man against someone else.

So lets toast now to a new year which is as sure as hell going to be fun-filled and an year i hope i will always remember as that one in which I learned valuable lessons and an year which shapes my life for the future.



  1. First of all!..Happy New Year :) once again :P...
    U got it all right in tht post man!...srlsy!!
    And good luck with ur New Year Resolution! :D

  2. thanks.. good luck to everybody with all their new year resolutions.. this year is one year in which i seriously intend to keep up my resolutions..
