Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Love!!! Lessons in dating by NBS

(For IIT Desirous... NBS is NOT n-bromosuccinamide)

NBS stands for His Holiness Sri Sri Narendra Babu Sharma, who incidentally hosts my favourite comedy show. This peerless seer was today talking about the Kali Yuga and the apparent evil influence of Rahu.

It seems that Rahu is responsible for causing change. Change, according to him means inter-caste marriages. In his own words "From 2012 onwards, love marriages will become very frequent. Rahu is gaining power now and it is his influence."

I say "BULLSHIT". It is not Rahu's influence. Its the influence of almost a decade of Shah Rukh Khan's intolerable weeping and All's well that end's well love stories. Even if Rahu's grandfather gained power, love marriages would still be on the rise.

He swears that people whose horoscopes match are the only ones who live happily. What of the westerners? Arent there any couples who were married without their horoscopes matching? I can quote examples from our own epics and puranas.

1) Lets start with the man who was considered the epitome of goodness... Lord Rama. He married his wife in a Swayamwara. I don't think a man's entry to a Swayamwara required his horoscope to match with the bride's.

2) Everybody knows the story how Shiva married his wife Parvathi. Parvathi performed devout and severe penance to please him. YOu dont hear him saying "Hey, I'd love to but do our horoscope's match?"

3) Nala and Damayanti, the stuff of epic love stories. They did not check first if their horoscopes matched or not.

4) Dushyantha and Shakunthala... Dushyantha met Shakunthala while roaming in the forest and got betrothed to her. I am sure he did not carry his horoscope in his underpants to first check whether they matched.

What I mean to say is that horoscopes dont actually matter. What matters is whether the two people getting married are ready to believe in and work on their marriage. Getting a Gay man and a straight female married because their horoscopes match will not in any way improve their marriage.

Coming to NBS's statement... he expects to people to carry their horoscopes with them and whenever someone has a crush on another, first check whether your horoscopes match and then proceed.



  1. hahahaaa!! lol, taking horoscope everywhere!.. hahahaa!!!!!

  2. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!! seriously ;) you provide a fair bit of my dose of laughter daily :D ;) (if not daily, pretty frequently)

  3. basically, there's no logic behind any of this...i think people just use these things to make a quick buck that's it..

  4. u can't blame anyone for this!.. These have been in tradition for centuries!! People believe it, and those like NBS(lol :P) make people believe it.. It goes on until everyone is enlightened.. Maybe a poor %age of urban people believe it, but if u go to the rural areas, their life depends on it... Actually u can see it this way; (though what i'm now saying is really weird, i believe it is true).. Everything in the world is connected with some form of energy, (don't ask me which form, probably cosmic energy).. Even the words which u talk carry energy, (I dunno how far this is true however)(I think the existence of aura is proved) So even ur thoughts have some energy and it affects u.. That's why the proverb ''if u believe u can, u can''.. In the same way, for people believing in weird beliefs, things happen in that way.. 'Coz the energy they r interacting to is modified to that extent.. For example : I read my horoscope from TOI and 50-70% turns out true, because i somewhat have belief in it.. Not that I believe it completely, but little...So it works out for me... Coming to this context, u can't blame anyone here, because the energy movement and exchange in the society is modified and used in that way... So everything is a result of some unknown cause, even the quick buck..

  5. oh there are many many lunatics out there but arent lucky enough to appear on TVs.
    marriages also break because the pundits or wateva thyre called are consulted even wen their kids wet their undies while sleeping..and a small mistake in the predictions leads to a lot of expeniture...i mean rahu shanti(cooling the rahu!! phew!...before NASA will go bankrupt well ask them to consult the lunatics to cool the sun..ravi shanti...and get samples!!) ketu shanti guru shanti....milky way shanti..etc etc etc.....and the hubby thinks...because the wife's and his horoscope din match...all this bad luck is showing up...
    and the best suggestion is to SHUT THE F**K UP AND CLEAN THE BABY'S PEE....its ur kid afterall!!

  6. the best part about all this is our old system is based on the geocentric theory. We consider that the sun revolves around the earth. When that basic thing itself is wrong, how can we expect anything else to be right?

  7. Don't underestimate ancient Indian science.. its not what u think it is... any ancient science for the matter.. may be Chinese, Egyptian, Mayan, ancient English, Greek, Sumerian, etc etc... I do agree, they r based on the geocentric theory.. that does not mean that the facts out of these r wrong.. They r "partially correct" not wrong.. The most successful ancient science was that of the Sumerians which predicted a planetary movement now, in this decade.. There r still rumors about this.. No organization has proved it though.. But there are scientific theories to support this.. The planet is beyond the Kuiper belt and is not part of our solar system.. But some bodies out there have two orbits, just like Pluto.. And as time passes they enter the 2nd orbit..And this planet is going to come near in about 3 years or so.. Its a prediction from Sumerians but there are a few researchers who have agreed for this with proof though it has been discarded or hushed up.. My point here is that, its only the ancient sciences which interacted with energy movement and interpreted it.. Its hard to believe, even for me.. coz we have never seen it or heard of it... They excelled with the geocentric theory! Do u think people r sitting quiet or AYURVEDA?! Research is going on to know how it could give preventions and cures to such an extent.. Even in this modern world people follow Ayurveda..

    I am just highlighting some facts to tell u that, ancient sciences r not what they seem.. There r hidden secrets and philosophies and time will bring them out.. Its in ur hands to believe them

  8. @Satyam, criously man. U need 2 criously rework ur theories. (I am just being polite coz I kno u. 2 say the truth, ur comments on this topic irritate me to a gr8 degree). 1st of all, ANY theory can b partially correct. I, not knowing that Einstein himself had done it b4 me, intuitively thought that all things in the world are symmetric. But I find that there are so many proofs both 4 and against my theory.

    Anyway, lets cut the crap and get 2 the point.
    I wud anyday censor that NBS' show, if it were to me, u c, I wud bet that the guy supports the Sena 2. And I DESPISE them. (I kno that's nowhere near the point but I just remembrd them)

    Also, I'd tell the guy to STFU and mind his own business. And Shreyas (the other one!!), though it is comical, I advise u 2 advise d oders who watch d show 2 not watch it.

    One more thing. I bet all of us know that the ave age of an Indian 2day is 24. When I heard it 1st, I was like WTF man, and we're doing nothng bout the outrageous things (incl politics, wildlife destruction, ..... ~) that are happning around us? Hope v can change all this in d future. I criously intend 2 bcum a politician. and I am proud of my decision, though it might lead 2 a miserable life. I DONT WANT THIS BULLSHIT 4 D NXT GENERATION. IF INDIA NEEDS 2 BCUM A POWERFUL FORCE, DOGMA HAS TO B TREATED LIKE RABID DOGS.

  9. See, that's what I told. The truth is always hard to accept, really hard. Esp in what I have told. You can start understanding them once u start "accepting the unacceptable".

    Anyway, I won't bother anyone much on this topic. I feel I have said enough. But remember u r the one who should believe in them. I cannot make u believe it. U will, once u take it to the core of ur heart and analyze. Its tough but time will guide u.

    If u r interested, look here..

  10. It all comes down to belief.. if you believe in it then believe it completely and that includes putting yourself in the hands to people who might or might not be all they pose to be. Better still, completely oppose it and have the courage to say STFU when someone talks like that. If you are undecided on this front, you will let others rule you.

  11. @shreyas (gm), I am not denying or offending ur beliefs,thoughts or ur way of thinking... I believe my theory is too far from the scientific community.. But that doesn't mean it is false...U should see everything scientifically, there is some logic behind mine and u will understand it 'if' u start accepting some things which r scientific...

    There is a magazine called "Frozen Thoughts".. Just read it when u find one, a monthly article called "When science met god".. Purely spiritual, philosophical and sometimes statements which r unscientific but true!..

    Science is not everything, it is still a 'baby' when compared to the truth out there, remember that this SCIENCE is from human, not from god, not from some advanced alien species or something... and humans DO make mistakes :P

    Well, i think this is enough, if it continues it becomes a debate in Shreyas's post..

  12. Quite a lot of noise in here! Looks like big-talkin Babu's exploits have far reaching consequences...
    Anyway..back to the topic..i ve always seen 2 kinds of ppl in this who talk of science as mere 'babies'(!) confronting the 'unknown forces and energy' and the other who swear by science in every word of theirs, not willing to budge one bit.
    Majority of Indians, unfortunately belong to the former..they claim researchers are working on em (god knows for how long) & believe they have 'scientific proof' 'scientific proof', especially from abroad,by phoren scientists, is a much cliched term used by the NBS type folk..they NEVER reveal it but just claim they have proof! They bring printouts and bloody flowcharts and exhibit them on TV with wide grins on their faces. i mean- Dude! flowcharts are used to teach kids with rat sized brains..they are not used as convincing evidences!
    Hints of this fact can be seen in the posts above-
    I Quote-
    "I think the existence of aura has been proved" (i almost misspelt it as Auro! Hoho)
    "there are few researchers(!) who have agreed for this with proof(!) which has been discarded or hushed up"

    I am not trying to project tht Ancient Indians' contributions are insignificant and untrue. There's no denying the fact that they introduced stuff like Yoga, which even Madonna practises to keep fit (how useful indeed!). But why are we so obsessed with what our 2000 year old ancestors had done.
    But yeah each individual as his/her own belief system. There's an interesting 'scientific' theory, analogous to the Placebo Effect, which explains how the beliefs are reinforced among ppl (proof? there you go- )

    PS:Sorry Shreyas, i couldnt write something, as u requested, which could instigate ppl into writing 5 more replies..
    I ve been cynical throughout..veered out of topic..apologies!
    I havent resorted to the bashing of the second type of people, i belong to it....
    Blogspot says time is its 6:46pm..

    Let there be light

  13. Firstly, I never called science a baby!.. all I said was that it is too early to explain all facts of the universe with its current progress...

    Secondly, I am never against science as u ppl have pictureised me over here.. My intensions r to combine the knowledge of science and those of the ancient civilizations to create an even more powerful existance (just imagine that)

    Lastly, Why I spoke of the ancient profecies here was try to tell u how important they too r, not just the modern day science!

    @deepak, i don't want to say anything about ur stricture(as I consider it) :)
    @Shreyas, as for u, u have managed to break ur comment record.. thanks to NBS the comments turned put to be a mini debate..

    Good luck all!!

  14. @ Deepak... Exactly!!! Show me the proof. Some scientist is doing research about some of these things. Both the research subject and the researcher are unknown and will always remain unknown. All those researches are the kind that come in the times. For example, one research claimed that drinking coffee ups cancer risk. If we seriously consider all the researches, then eating absolutely anything ups risks of some or the other disease. Bullshit.

    @ Satyam... Aura will be proved only when scientists find that one equation which can combine and explain all 4 types of forces.

  15. (sorry for the mistakes in my previous post)

    You don't know what I've been talking abt... Its difficult and complicated topic to understand. As I've previously told, Aura has already been proved of its existence and even machines have been set up to see and get a printout of a person's aura.
    I am telling this again and again, I cannot make u believe it, u have to urself... good luck with that..

  16. Lets clear a few things up here...

    point 1: bashing up ancient theories is one of my favourite hobbies

    point 2: I'm doin that now..

    first of all...maybe the aura stuff exists..but who cares.. :P

    i'll comment on this.. Sathyam : Purely spiritual, philosophical and sometimes statements which r unscientific but true!..

    if it isn't scientific, then it its simply not true!
    maybe science(our small baby here) hasn't been able to comprehend stuff..does not mean our baby's not good enough or that the sumerians' baby was gold..

    next, ayurveda..the whole of my family undergo ayurveda treatment whenever the flu catches them...but i stubbornly cling to english medicine..
    ayurveda may be all good...but i seriously doubt the research that has gone into it..they say it has no side effects...but what's the use if it doesn't cure the disease?
    and it doesn't automatically mean that whatever our brothers jenner and fleming discovered was cowshit..

    indians are not all that bad...for example comrade aryabhatta discovered 'zero', which our maths department relishes in dishing out..

    they say indians discovered calculus...trigonometry..blah blah...but even if they did, they were stupid enough not to publish it..

    and btw pluto doesn't have two orbits i think...its just more eccentric and more tilted..

    about horoscopes, TOI is usually vague...very vague that you can interpret the predictions in your own fancy way and they come true...

    @ sathyam: you can't accept the unacceptable...we need solid proof to accept something..(at least the second type of people can't)

    okay, its 23:41, and i'm sleepy, which explains the broken nature of my talk..

    more bashing when i get the time :P

  17. wow....NBS is no more coming alwa???
    once my mother forced me to visit an astrologer......he said that i have saade saath(7 years of shani kaata)....he suggested some things which i'm doing thing is that he told me to recite the Vishnu sahsra mother forced me to learn it and now i'm reciting it everyday.....strangely i somehow feel better than before....i dont know why...i started to beleive in all those astrology stuff...and one day i read an article which said that certain things astrologers say like reciting the vishnu sahsra nama etc. does help people....the columnist says the uccharane's and raaga of the entire ritual of reciting energises people and it has nothing to do with Lord Vishnu being impressed by prayers,etc...well i think this point is pretty agreeable....i'm sure many who listen to music get refreshed, energised,etc... i think this is the same....and coming to do all those daanas and all....may be the 'daani' feels content, happy that he has helped some poor guy...and eventually positive energy is created and it may help the daani.... i'm sure many will be critical about my views....would like to reply to them...
    i need to clarify that i'm not defending the 3 entrances to a house and some silly things they say...but some may quite help like i've explained above...

  18. Completely agree with Prateek. The only thing that is not proper in astrology is the predictions. Chanting of mantras have their own effect. They should just be done properly to experience it.

    Again, I bet almost everyone here agrees that the predictions are not accurate. That we have experienced ourselves. If anyone wants to refute the usefulness of chanting mantras then they better have experienced it themselves. It is believed that chanting of hymns in the correct way helps in easily reaching the "samadhi" state in yogasana. Again, all we can do is practice it and believe. Nobody who criticizes all of it ever tried it with all their heart.

    It if works for you, fine. If it doesnt then it certainly causes no harm.

  19. And this was what I was trying to tell in my comments.. The sound obviously has a frequency.. Now the body energy will have its own frequency and different frequencies affect the energies differently..
    Yea its energies, not energy.. The body's energy system is divided into 8 parts, toe outermost being the aura and the inner one, the light or the soul.
    So in the Indian mantras, we find almost same tones and ucchaaranas.. That is because, the ancient gurus who've learned abt this started preaching the shlokas in that way.. They said, it should be told in only that way or its a waste so that ppl will follow it and it was for their own good.

    u know, when i listen to certain songs or shlokas, my hair stands up! And when the pitch changes in the shloka(it happens in homas and many others) i feel some vibration in my body.. (what we say in kannada jummmmmmmmm..)

    Energy movement is very important and should be dealt with care!
    I don't know how many have experienced this but i'll tell....
    Its 'known' salt has healing powers towards aura.. When I feel depressed, bored to do anything, when i get a headache or some negative feeling I keep some salt (kallu uppu) in my hand, sit at a place away from ppl, and start running it all over my body for a minute... not more than a minute.. After 5 minutes or so, I feel soooo positive! so different! It does work for me.. I dunno abt other, coz my mom says it won't...
    Maybe its because of the belief I've in it.. Who knows?

  20. wow....this is the first time i'm hearing about running salt on one's marinating a chicken or :P..

  21. My god! lol.. when i said 'running salt over ur body' it doesn't mean that I'll be rubbing salt all over! yuck!!
    The procedure is not what u think...
    U keep some salt in ur hand, close it and just move it near the body.. not touching it, but just bringing it close and moving it all over.. that's all..
    Salt is known to absorb negative energy from the aura and replenish it.. This makes u feel better, a lot better!!
    Then u throw it away..
    Infact this procedure in kannada is "drushti tegyodu".. Some even use one red chilli sliced into three parts, along with salt and move it from top to bottom chanting some mantra...
    But i use only salt.. :)

  22. Ok... that's enough. This is a blog, not a site for waging your personal vendettas.

    And everything is going way out of topic. I bet NBS has nothing to do with rolling on the floor, getting your head hit on something, taking criticism positively or character counselling. Do all that on facebook or emails please, or SMS for that matter.

    All above irrelevant comments will be deleted
    I'm sorry por this.

  23. NBS no more coming alwa????
    You've seen the new guy????
    if you give your birth date....he says something and all....cant should watch...he says from 28-2-1998 nimge kettaddu agtayide...amele nintoytu...eega thirga shuru aagide...etc.....strange.... he says it so does he do it??? is he fooling???just saying some date???
    you must listen to the response of the caller....the caller would be totally confused...hehe...nice time pass from 9:00 to 10:00

  24. Yeah, the new guy is called Bhanuprakash or something. And i know how its done,i.e. how he is able to say all that. There will be a computer screen which will generate your horoscope and another chart called "Mahadasa". The Mahadasa chart will give details like in which year you were under the influence of which planet. The technical terms are "Dasa" and "Bhukthi".

    Seeing the Dasa and Bhukthi he can tell.

  25. Good thing you deleted that comment. It bugged me off too. *grumble*

    Anyway, every1 should read this short story
    "An Astrologer's Day" by RK Narayan. It is "awesum". Ironic. U'll b ROFL by the end.
    It is available on the net.

    From RK Narayan, this one and another titled "The Martyr's Corner" are the only one's I liked.

  26. NBS is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you should look at the ad.... i first thought it was some mega serial.... then i saw this guy coming like a god....hehe....enjoy once again everyday from 4 th of march!!!

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